Page 9 - DIVA_1_2018
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          things that my colleagues and I are do-                               panels where gender balance is not
          ing with some success. The challenge          "The first              respected. That very quickly changed
           is also to make sure that everybody    commitment that               things. Now after one and half years,
           understands what is happening. There                                 there are few panels where there are no
           is a lot of pressure on us to utilize our   we all share and         women or no men. It goes both ways.
           space better, and of course people are                               My other two commitments involved
           afraid of that. They are used to having   that everybody has         devising and implementing a geneder
           their own spacious office, so, that's an-  to sign up to is that     policy for the UNOG that did not exist
           other issue. We have to do it in a way                               before. It works, and I will give you an
           that takes into account the well-being   we will never again         example. We are doing quite well actu-
           of staff. We have to take into account   participate in panels       ally in the United Nations Geneva in
           the requirements of each work-unit,                                  terms of parity of staff. Over all we have
           and we are working on that, too. The      where gender               48 per cent women, while the problem
           challenge is to deliver all this on time                             is still at the top level. That is typical for
                                                        balance is
           and within budget.                                                   any business, whether public or private.
                                                    not respected."             When we started this in 2015, women
           Geneva has a good track record of de-                                the top grades represented 34.4 per
           livering and keeping within budget for                               cent. At the end of 2016, a year later, it
           the construction carried out in the past and I would like to  was 41per cent. So, we have done quite well. I'm asking all
           ensure that we live up to that reputation.          the managers to be very attentive to how they hire.

           Q: You are one of the initiators of the Gender Champions  Q: Finally, Mr Director-General, what would you like to
           Initiative. How did the idea come about?            achieve in the years to come, and do you have a particu-
           It came about in a conversation between the American  lar message to convey to our readers?
           Ambassador at the time, Pamela Hamamoto, Caitlin Kraft-  In this coming year a big focus is going to be on the Sus-
           Buchmann, Head of the NGO Woman@theTable and me.  tainable Development Goals implementation. As you may
           There had been a lot of talk about gender parity and gender  know, I have created a new little unit in my office called
           activities but little action. It was their idea, and I just jumped  the SDG Lab. It is basically a facilitating entity for all stake-
           on it. We needed to find very practical, measurable project  holders, both inside and outside the United Nations family,
           that would push people to think differently - nothing oner-  to share information, to share best practices and to be a
           ous, but something practical, measurable and accountable  resource centre for people who want to improve the way
           that makes sense. We are more successful than I thought we  they implement these goals. We would like to know what
           would be, and I am very happy about that. There are three  others have done, not re-invent the wheel. It has been in
           commitments, and one is the same for everybody. It's at a  existence for only a couple of months, but it's working. It
           personal level, so, each one is personally responsible for it.  has, in fact, become somewhat a victim of its own success
           You are going to be monitored by your peers. If you are not  as we are getting more and more requests, and not yet able
           doing what you should be doing, it will be made public. So  to deliver on all requests. But it's not fully staffed yet. I am
           there is pressure, it's practical. It's measurable. We now have  not paying for staff because I do not have any money. It is
           more than 130 Champions in Geneva. It has been replicated  all voluntary funding, and it works. We have staff from all
           in New York and Vienna. The Secretary-General has become  over the world, each region. So I would like to scale that
           a Champion. He was already one when he was High Com-  up, and continue to increase the outreach and the narrative
           missioner. We are now looking at replicating it Nairobi and  of what we do, both on the SDGs and in general. The per-
           Rome. Possibly in other places too. Here we have expanded  ception project is another unit that we created that is also
           it. It is not just the diplomatic community or the United  working hard on that. I would also like to continue to work
           Nations family, it's also businesses and local politicians.  on this "human engineering' get the private sector closer
           Francois Longchamp is a Champion. The World Economic  to what we do, get Switzerland and Geneva closer to what
           Forum is another one. We have just talked to all the sports  we do. We now have an agreement with the city and the
           federations, and several of them are now coming on board.  canton of Geneva that they will finance a Geneva Room in
           CEOs of multinationals are coming to see me, and they tell  the Palais as a gift from them. So I would like to continue
           me that they like the idea. They themselves are also becom-  that too, and to do some more fund-raising.
           ing Champions, and they are using the concept in their own
           business. So, it works and has an impact.           Leaving the DG's office one can only admire of all the
                                                               things he has put in place during his years in office, and
           The first commitment that we all share and that everybody  hope that United Nations in Geneva will benefit from his
           has to sign up to is that we will never again participate in  dynamic spirit even longer.
                                                                                                     July 2017, MF

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