Page 4 - DIVA_1_2018
P. 4
A new society in the making? man nature, and that homo sapi-
I often wonder, my coneague ens was not created to sit behind
said, when it was we discovered desks and write on computers,
that researchers expect more than but the topic nevertheless raises
50 % of jobs can be replaced by some questions.
robots. This reminds me of what
my father used to say, smiling: First of all, what can and
"When you grow up, you will be should be done for those who
lucky to find a job, and even more will find themselves out of the
lucky if you find a job you enjoy job market? Who will get the
doing, as most people hate their available jobs? What will the
jobs." While Papa was perhaps far criteria be, and what kind of
ahead of his time, we see now the foundations will our new soci-
signs that artificial intelligence ety be built on?
and robots will more and more
take over things in our society. Secondly, there is much discus- The questions are many, and so
Buses, trams and cars will soon sion about a minimum wage for far the answer are few. Never-
be driving on our roads without every citizen, but who will pay? theless, there should be some
"drivers". Financial robots will If there is only 50 % of one age reflection on the theme, as we are
operate more and more on the group working, will they accept indeed at the early beginning of a
financial markets, influencing to pay enough taxes so that the new type of society, the numeric
companies' values and, indirectly, others can live a decent life? It's one, and, as we often hear, it
people's pension funds and other not so sure, as most people tend should be a place for everybody,
types of wealth. We are controlled to be quite selfish at the end of rich, smart, poor, less smart...
by machines, even without our the day. Everybody should be taken care
knowing, and all this informa- of, and have a meaningful life,
tion regarding our private lives is What about education? What with or without a job.
stored somewhere. kind of education would be
needed to keep a society together With these thoughts, I wish you
One can argue that many of these without civil wars and internal all a pleasant day.
jobs are not in line with true hu- conflicts? MARIT