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strengthen   this  "ecosystem"    because  we   have   been   asked  by  under   way.   There   are  several   other   activities    that   rm   hap-
           Member    States  to  improve   our  "products".    Forthat,    we have  py   about   and   that   we  still   have   to  work   on.
           to  do   manydifferent   things,   including   "social  engineering":
           it does   not   do  to  have   a  citywhere   half  ofthe   citizens   do  not  Part   of   changing    the  narrative   is  opening   up  the  Palais
           talk  to  the   other   half.   You   need   social   cohesion   ifyou   want  to  our   fellow   Genevans   to  an  extent   that   has  never   been
           to  have   a  system   like   we  have   working    to  its  maximum.  done   before.   I  think   that's   a  good   thing,   in   terms   of  what
           We   live   in   a  very   fragmented    and   difficult    world   right   now  I  mentioned    earlier,   making   sure   that   we   have   a  cohesive
           where   the  international    system,   in  particular    the  United  environment    in   which   we  work,   in   which   people   talk   to
           Nations   system   as  a  whole,   needs   to  be  supported    by   the  each  other,   enriching    each  other's   lives.   Happy   citizens
           nations   that   it  serves,   and   therefore   by   the   politicians    and  are  more   productive    citizens   both   within    the   United   Na-
           those   who   decide   on   the  support,   on   the   fu'iancing,   on   the  tions   and   outside.   So,  rm   very   happy   about   how   we  have
           investments    and   on  what   to  do.  This   is  all   a  coherent   entity,  managed   to  do  the  opening   up,  and   now   we  just   have
           but   we  need   to  put   the   pieces   together   in   a  better   way.  The  to  do  more,   not   only   in   Geneva,   but   in   Switzerland    and
           way   to  do  that,   in  my   mind,   was  to  change   the  narrative,  further   down,   outside   the  borders,   in  terms   of   how   we
           to  make   sure   that   everybody    understands    what   we  are  do-  interact   but   also  in   the   language   we  use  in  explaining    to
           ing   here,   so  that   they   get  its  importance,    its  impact   and   its  people   what   we  are  doing.   I  think   that   through    that   we
           relevance   for   their   personal   lives.   Every   single   one  of  them  have   also  improved    the  coordination    and   collaboration
           is  touched   by   what   is  happening    here,   even   if  they   do  not  among   the  many   different   actors   here,   both   within   the
           know   it.  The  moment   everybody    knows   it,  naturally,   the  United   Nations   system   and   among   our   partners,    whether
           support  will   flow  because   people   will   understand    that   they  they  be  NGOs,   the   business   community    or  other   interna-
           have   a  personal   stake   in   making    sure   that   this  "ecosystem'  tional   organisations,    so  that   there   is  a  much   greater   sense
           functions    at  its  maximum.                       of  unity,   a  sense   of   a  family   in   terms   of  the  international

           Q: Youhave now  been the Director-General   of the  Uni-
           ted Nations  here  in  Gerieva for  several years, and your  That   is  increasingly    important    as  we  have   embarked    on

           mandate    has  just   been   extended.   What   do  you   corxsider  the   implementation    of  the   Sustainable    Development
           your major achievemetxtso farF                       Goals.   We  must   prove   to  the  world   that   we  are  able  to
           I  mentioned    to  you   the   narrative    change,   and   that   is  still  deliver   what   they   ask  us  to  do.  We   have   to  earn   trust.   And
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