Page 12 - DIVA_1_2018
P. 12
tions in my undergrad at the Uni-
versity of the Philippines and then Q: Going back to the
I came here. I did two years at the diplomacy here in
Graduate Institute in Geneva where Geneva, do you have
I got my license. I enjoyed those two a special organiza-
years very much. I was first assigned tion that is very close
here in 2010. My first term here as to your heart?
ambassador was from 2010 to 2013. I don't work with them
I am now on my second term. I had a lot but I admire the
the good fortune of having had very Red Cross for what
interesting and challenging assign- they stand for and for
ments. My first assignment was to what they do. They go
Tokyo, where I was in the economic around working qui-
section. After that I was assigned to etly, so I think that is
Washington D.0 where I was head of an ideal that everyone
the political section, and then Depu- should follow. That
ty Chief of Mission. Then I went to work is something I
London for a short stint as ambassa- admire. I spend most
dor, and then I came back here. I've of my time in the Hu-
served in three regions and in mul- man Rights Council.
tilateral and bilateral contexts, so it's I think the human
been a very rewarding professional rights council has im-
career. I'm married to a diplomat and proved the dialogue
we have one son. on human rights in
the international com-
Q: What is so exciting about di- munity between coun-
plomacy? Or what do you like the tries. Where I want
most? to spend most of my
Well, here, I am talking entirely per- time and I do spend a fair amount is regular migration, and, we are en-
sonally. First, it's an incredible hon- in the economic side because, as you gaged in its negotiating process.
our to represent your country under know, the Philippines is a developing
all kinds of circumstances. For me, country with a great need, so I like to Q: Do you have a message for the
personally, that's a big lift; to be able be with UNCTAD. And finally, as I international community?
to do a good deed for your country said before, the Philippines faces a lot I speak as the representative of a de-
and for your people. This is essential- of natural disasters. By some rank- veloping country, so, of course, our
ly what Filipino diplomats are any- ings, we are in the top 10 countries priority is to improve the lives of our
way; we are fundamentally promot- visited annually by natural disasters people, but I think this is something
ers, spokespersons and impresarios and the top 20 adversely affected by that is generally shared whether you
for our country. The specifics change climate change or vice versa but any- are a rich country or a poor coun-
but that's basically it. Secondly, I do way we are in the top list. Anyway, all try. The basic requirement for this
enjoy very much interacting with and the machinery in Geneva for helping is to find ways to resolve differences
meeting people. This is what makes people in distress is something that I peacefully, not through violence or
life very interesting. I feel that even am happy to be able to work with. It confrontation. And I think this is
if you have encountered difficult is sad because of the situations that what Geneva stands for - and has
people, it's all part of your personal are being addressed, but I'm happy done for more than a century - Ge-
development. In our field, we smile a that I am able to contribute a bit. neva has done a lot for the spirit of in-
lot and we use nice words but there This of course includes the UNISDR, ternational cooperation and multilat-
are difficult situations and there are UNDP, UNHCR, TOM, and OCHA... eralism, which I fear might be eroded
difficult people, but all of it is, as I say, It is a complex matter. A major ad- by certain countries. Multilateralism
part of the job. And the third one is I vocacy of ours is migrants because 10 is the only road for promoting global
do enjoy the incredible opportunity per cent of our countrymen are living peace, progress and prosperity.
to visit places of interest, historical overseas. So, all the migration discus-
places, enjoying culture and so on sions here are of great interest to us.
and so forth. So those are the three We are particularly interested in the
things I like about being a diplomat. global compact on safe, orderly and