Page 49 - DIVA_2_2013
P. 49
The smallest details count. The You can find most of the equip- back to me and says: "Thank you
smaller the budget, the less we can ment I sell in other places, but so much for all your efforts. It's
make it sophisticated. If some- for a similar budget I get a better really wonderful to listen to this
body comes to see me with a bud- result in terms of sound. That's my music, and I'm very happy about
get of CHF3,000, we will concen- particularity. this system."
trate on the loudspeakers, the
amplifier and the equipment that I work especially with tailor-made Q: Diva serves the inter-
goes with it. I have cheaper sys- solutions, all based upon your per- national community. Can
tems to propose, but in these cases sonal taste. Searching for a hifi people contact you if they
you cannot personalize the system system is like a journey of disco- need assistance, even if they
-- that's the difference very and each one must discover are no longer in the area?
his own truth, the sounds that
Q: Is it possible, for instance, affect that person the most. Each Of course! I often give advice to
to improve a music system one of us has his or her own prefe- clients who are far away. They can
over time? rences, something that's unique to send me drawings and photos and
each person. then I can give them advice. It is
First of all let me say that the sufficient to contact me.
equipment that I sell is timeless This is the reason why I spend so
-- it's not a fashion thing. The pro- much time with my clients, and it's Q: Do you accept consultancy
duct I will sell you today will be really my passion to make them work in terms of acoustics,
valid in five years' time. We make discover their music, the sound. for instance in conferences,
an overall assessment of your All the different parameters must meeting rooms, etc.?
equipment. If I believe that your be taken into account, even the
speakers are not good, I would size of the room where the music Yes, often in meeting rooms or
suggest that you change these system will be placed, the type of video-conference rooms there are
first, and then one year later we furniture, etc. When you look at acoustic problems, and of course I
could change the electronics, and the profit made in comparison can intervene as a consultant. •
finally we renew the cables. This with the hours spent, it's very
will enable you to obtain a music meagre, but my personal satisfac-
system of high quality over time. tion is huge when a client comes
21, rue du Mont-Blanc - 1201 Genève
12, rue des Paquis - 1201 Genève
T61.:022901 1515 TéI.:022 732 41 31
Horaires: Lundi-Vendredi 8h30-19h00 - Samedi 8h30-17h
Horaires: Lundi-Vendredi 9h-18h30 - Samedi 9h-14h
Tarifs Préférenciels - Prix defiant toute concurrence