Page 48 - DIVA_2_2013
P. 48

o My passion is to

         make people discover

                    III I 'II, I

         Interview with

         Raffi Garibian

         Expert in acoustics, high fidelity,

         and owner of Video-Hifitec, Geneva

                                            Q:  How did
                                            it all start?
         In today's world, driven by
         consumerism, where you
                                            I started stu-
         can easily be disoriented by
                                            dying mecha-
         a flood of advertising for so
                                            nical enginee-
         many different products, it's
                                            ring, then I went on to specializing   However, there are people with a
         nice to meet somebody who
                                            in the physics of waves, and from   big budget but to whom I would
         is there to sell you quality,
                                            there I also specialized in acous-  not sell equipment that they do
         who can give you advice and
                                            tics, and I have always been wor-  not need. In other cases, there may
         help you to find the right
                                            king with acoustics. Since 1976 I   be people with a very limited bud-
         thing for you, your style and
                                            concentrated on re-creating music   get and to whom I say, to acquire
         your budget.
                                            emotion through the products that   your music equipment we can do
                                            I propose to my clients.           it step by step. I think that for each
         We are surrounded by sound
                                                                               extra franc you spend, you should
         and, according to Raffi Gari-
                                            Q: Can you explain what wave       obtain something in return, other-
         bian, we can only hear a frac-
                                            physics is all about?              wise it is not worth it.
         tion of the sound around us.
         He was trained as a mechanical
                                            In the field of acoustics, there are   Q:   What is most important:
         engineer and has become one
                                            sounds that we cannot hear but     the player, the amplifier or
         of Geneva's most well-known
                                            that our body can intercept, and   the loudspeakers?
         sound and acoustics experts.
                                            this is part of the emotions that the
         Just on the corner of rue de
                                            music transmits to us.             It is in the loudspeakers that will
         Lyon and rue de la Servette
                                                                               provide the biggest difference.
         you can find his business --
                                            What is important about perfect    When I start to work with a client,
         Video Hifitec. Most of us listen
                                            sound is that every detail counts.   during the first listening session, I
         to the radio, have a hifi stereo
                                            This is the reason why I spend so   know if I can go in one direction or
         chain and do not think any
                                            much time with each client. I pre-  another. The first thing that I will
         more about it, but after a visit
                                            fer that he/she comes to see me    try to choose is the loudspeakers,
         to Mr Garibian we quickly learn
                                            with his/her own music because if   as that's the area where there is
         that there is sound and sound
                                            you want to create emotions, you   the most to be gained in terms of
         -- there is more to this subject
                                            need to listen to something that   difference. But it's not the sole fac-
         than most of us could dream
                                            you like and know well. The aim    tor. After we have chosen the loud-
         of. The experience was a terrific
                                            is thus to listen to what the client   speakers, we go into depth about
         eye opener, and if you are look-
                                            wants and to identify the equip-   the electronics that are best suited
         ing for emotions when you
                                            ment according to the music he/    for the equipment, the music that
         listen to music, that's the place
                                            she likes, or a combination of the   the client likes, etc. It goes without
         to go. Now we leave the floor
                                            equipment that is best suited to   saying that the cables also play a
         to Mr Garibian
                                            fulfil their needs and, of course,   very important role.
                                            also to fit their budget.
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