Page 3 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 3

"Diva International
              4 	Interview with Sir John Holmes,
                  Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian
                  Affairs and Emergency Relief Co-ordinator
              6 	DJIBOUTI - State of strategic Strength
              8 	Djibouti ou les promesses de l'Entre-Deux
              10 	Interview with Her Exc. Khadija Rachida Masri,
                  Ambassador and permanent representative of the
                  African Union in Geneva
                  Tenth Anniversary of GUAM:
                  Ten years of successful regional cooperation.
              18 GUAM: a success story in regional


              26 	Bâtir ensemble une Union Méditerranéenne
                  Interview de Driss Alaoui Mdaghri
              29 	"Buying from Africa for Africa"
                  An International Trade Centre success story

              30 	TaiwanlHAs medical relief effort in Peru
                  Compassion Arises
                  A note on DDMs Humantarian Aid to
                  Peru's Earthquake by: Susan Chen

              32 UN+ - a voice one should listen to

           Geneva International
              34 Visit of Ms Doris Leuthard,
                  Swiss Minister of Finance to Geneva
              35 Europe: 50 ans de petits pas vers de
                  grandes avancées
              36 Exposition sur la Grande Famine en
                  Ukraine de 1932-33
              38 Le Cercle féminin des Nations Unies  a
                  Genéve organise le Bazar 2007
              40 September 21: International Day of Peace
              42 A true and devoted journalist turning 80
              44 Philippe de Champaigne:
                  artiste de Cour et de Cur.
              46 Ita's world
                  Living History: World Heritage Site
              47 Le coin de l'éducation
              48 Hayward Beywood Column
              50 Hávard Homstvedt the most promising
                  Norwegian contemporary artist
                  des Arts et des Horn mes
              54 Second Life : apprendre sans frontiers
              55 La cuisine autour du monde
              56 Ambassadress
                                                                                            4 2007 Diva 1

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