Page 8 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 8


                                    State of strategic Strength

                                The rise of the global    An American military      administration's strategy to
                                                          presence has increased    strengthen Djibouti's present
                                shipping trade is creating
                                                          investor confidence as    and future prospects.
                                immense opportunities for
                                                          Djibouti promotes its benefi-
                                cargo-handling ports on busy
                                                          cial geostrategic location in   How does one go about
                                sea routes. Djibouti, in the
                                                          combination with its finan-  locating Djibouti on a world
                                Horn of Africa, is no
                                                          cial and political stability.   map?
                                exception. The country's
                                service economy is seeing
                                                          In November 2006, Djibouti   Neither the size nor the pop-
                                increased growth this year
                                                          hosted the annual COMESA   ulation of our country
                                following the government's
                                                          (Common Market for        (23,000 kmz for fewer than
                                corporation agreement with
                                                          Eastern and Southern Africa)   one million inhabitants),
                                Dubai Ports World, which is
                                                          Summit, and the country was   surrounded as it is by larger
                                investing up to $600 million
                                in a new oil and containers   keen to bring the 20 African   countries,
                                                          member nations together in a   throws our identity and our
                                terminal, 11 miles from the
                                                          renewed drive to create   specificity into relief. The
                                existing port in Djibouti's
                                                          economic 	essence is to be found else-
                                                          ultimately 	where; it is in our values and
                                                          employment levels and     culture of peace, which we
                                As a result, more enterprises
                                                          reducing poverty throughout   have maintained since
                                are investing in infrastructure
                                                          the region.               achieving independence in
                                projects and free zones across
                                                                                    1977. It is to be found also in
                                the country, which is fast
                                                          In this introductory note, His   the good governance and
                                becoming a regional trans-
                                                          Excellency President Ismael   democratisation of the coun-
                                portation hub.
                                                          Omar Guelleh outlines his   try, making it possible for
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