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                                              resources. And   also the rest of the world.   Terminal and its Free Zone,
                                              what are our   And it is here that we come   will ultimately make
                                              resources?     back to the role played by   Djibouti a commercial base
                                                             our geography: situated at   for the whole region and
                                              Clichés 	                               even beyond. Our country is
                                                             the crossroads of Asia, the
                                              stereotypes    Middle East and Africa, our   a leading force in regional
                                              have a long life,   country lies on one of the   economic integration, which
                                              do they not?   world's geo-commercial   will allow the Horn of
                                                             axes.                    Africa to occupy an impor-
                                              The ideas, mis-                         tant position in an increas-
                                              taken though it   The international communi-  ingly globalisation market.

                                              may be, that   ty has not been mistaken; we
                                              our country,   are proud to place our   The COMESA Summit,
                                              devoid of raw   stability and security at the   which we had hosted on
                                              materials, pos-  service of durable liberty   November 2006, corre-
                                              sesses only a   within the framework of the   sponds perfectly with this
                                              comparative    war on international     ambition. That is why we
                                              value of mili-  terrorism, especially after   say to all of those investors
                                              tary geostrate-  the tragic events on   who do not want to miss this
                                              gy, has long   September 11, 2001.      opportunity:
                                              obscured the                            Here with us, you will find
             the whole body of our fel-  radiance of our economic   The authorities of Dubai   all the right conditions and
             low-countrymen to hope for  development.        Ports World and Jebel Ali   all of the facilities for con-
             a brilliant future.                             Free Zone have been      ducting business in com-
                                    Today, the disappearance of   equally justified in their   plete security.
             Lately, when one speaks of  ideological and military   confidence; we are very sat-
             Djibouti, the main point is  uncertainties and the phe-  isfied to have entered into a   isi ii. O\IR GtFi LUI
             precisely this hope - which  nomenon of commercial   strategic commercial part-       PRESWEVI
             is from day to day becoming  globalization are throwing   nership with Dubai. In this   OF TIlE RFP  IlIAC OF
             reality - of a sustainable  new lights on the assets and   context, the mega-project of   DJIBOUTI
             development based on and  potentialities that our nation   Doraleh Port, with its Oil
             upheld by our own  can offer both to itself and   Terminal, its Container   Copyright photos: WHIB

                                                                                                  4 2007 Diva 7

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