Page 13 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 13
Inside its area you find a
wide variety and tremendous
wealth--natural resources,
languages, dialects, cultures.
You simply cannot show
such a rich, varied and diver-
sified continent in such a
negative way!
So I say to the Africans: "we
must count on ourselves".
Perhaps, we could be assist-
ed by our partners in order to
change this perception. But
it's a question of mentality--
this idea that Africa is the
root of all problems. That is
far from being the truth! So I
say it's up to us--the
Africans--to put forward the
true value of our continent
nomic integration, good gov- They are sold at very low the image of Africa would be and the real image of Africa.
ernance, promotion and prices to foreign companies. better perceived and reflect a
respect of human rights, pro- Unfortunately, this does not better image of the continent Q: What is the true image
motion of peace, security benefit us. There are no in the international media. of frica?
not to mention integration of advantages for the African
the different economic people. This is one of the bat- Q: Do you think that It's a positive image, which
regions in Africa. Altogether, tles for the African Union--to showing Africa suffering reflects a very promising
there are eight of these zones recreate the positive effect, to comforts other people-it future--an educated and
scattered around the conti- improve the lives of our peo- makes them kel that things competent youth. These
nent. We are trying to harmo- ple. We have to harmonize are better at home? important human resources
nize them--some of them are the "house" inside. We have will shape the new Africa. At
very well developed on the to achieve an internal African This is the wrong way to the moment, when we have
legal aspects or on the free common market for our approach the subject, espe- the foundations of develop-
movement of persons, others products. This is one of the cially in the long term. It is ment, there is no reason why
a little less. For instance, in core issues in our policy for not by showing that others we should be confined to
some of these regions people eradicating poverty. It would live in extreme poverty that underdevelopment. There
can travel without visas or create work for the popula- things are going to get better are some regions which are
passports. This might seem a tion, improve living condi- at home. Of course, there are more developed than others.
little strange for people who tions, health services, and-- different levels in the world, However, if we can organize
do not know Africa, but I not least--improve infrastruc- but there are nevertheless ourselves better and put
would like to say that Africa tures. A good infrastructure is other regions of the world together development proj-
is the victim of a lack of also a key element for the where the situation is quite ects, I think Africa in a short
information, and you as a improvement of commerce bad--Latin America, Asia-- time will surprise the world!
journalist and a representa- and trade and a necessity for but you do not see nor hear I am very optimistic!
tive of the media have a cer- making our products com- about them in the media, and
tain responsibility. I do not petitive and accessible on the if you do, it's only occasion- Q: You are knosn as
blame anybody, but, with all global market. ally. 'Mama Africa'. Why this
due respect, the fact is that commitment for Africa?
Africa is always shown in a I would like to say two I do not condemn anybody,
negative way in the media. things: Africa is really a vic- but I realize that this is the I'm African after all. I might
Of course, negative things tim and it's suffering from a way news about the conti- have been born at the
exist, but the positive things lack of information. I know nent is being shown in the change-over time between
going on are never or seldom that one day we will be able media. However, the fact is the colonial period and the
highlighted, and that is quite to count on ourselves, and that there is a lot of wealth independence. I was born in
important. Africa has always the Commission of the and diversity in Africa--his- 1953, so I cannot say that I
been a resource for every- African Union is working on torical, cultural. remember the colonial time,
body--natural resources such several projects. One of them but my parents, my neigh-
as oil or gold--you can find is a TV channel like Why historical? Simply bourhood, did. I had the
everything. Up to the present Euronews. But in the mean- because it's the oldest known chance to attend school dur-
time, however, it is not time; I would like to make an continent in the world. ing the independence period.
Africans who have been appeal to the media to make Diversity?-if you look at the One should not be ungrateful
exploiting these resources. Africa better known, so that map, it's really a continent.
42007 Diva 11