Page 18 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 18

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                                 Leaders of GUAM Member States at the press-conference (Baky, June 2007)

              The GUAM Business  The GUAM - USA co-            nomic development, stabili-  Coordinators and Perman-
              Council was established as  operation, established in   ty and security in the region.  ent Representatives. The
              well to better utilize the exist-  2002, made a substantial   At the same time, GUAM  Secretariat provides organi-
              ing business opportunities.  contribution 	                              zational and technical sup-
                                                               states expressed their com-
              On 23 September 2004, the   promotion of the GUAM   mon position with respect to  port for GUAM activities
              parliaments of the GUAM  goals. The Joint GUAM -   the necessity for transforma-  and functions under the
              Member States declared the   USA statements made dur-  tion of GUAM into interna-  stewardship of the Secretary
              establishment of the GUAM   ing the GUAM Summits   tional organization to be  General. The place of activ-
              Parliamentary Assembly to   represented a clear evidence   directed at strengthening  ity of the Secretariat and the
              provide legislative support   of mutual intention to con-  democracy and providing  Depositary of GUAM is the
              for the development of the   tinue and strengthen coop-  for stability and sustainable  city of Kyiv. During the
              Organization.            eration on the basis of the   development in the region.  Summit the Ministers of
                                       appropriate Framework   This idea by the GUAM  Foreign Affairs approved
              The GUAM Member States   Program, which envisages   heads of states was realized  the Rules of Procedure,
              actively cooperate within  the implementation of proj-  at the next Summit that took  Provision on the Secretariat
              international organizations,   ects in the field of trade and   place on 22-23 May 2006 in  and Financial Provisions of
              first of all within the  transportation facilitation,   Kyiv, Ukraine. Following  GUAM.
              Organization on Secuirty and   establishment of the   decisions approved at the
              Cooperation in Europe  GUAM Virtual Center for   Chisinau Summit, the  At the Kyiv Summit the
              (OSCE) and the United  Fight Against Terrorism,   GUAM heads of states  heads of states expressed
              Nations. They adhere to  Organized Crime, Drug   declared the establishment  their confidence that the
              common positions on many   Proliferation and Other   of the Organization for  establishment of the
              important issues of interna-  Dangerous Types of   democracy and economic  Organization for democracy
              tional policy. In 2003,  Crimes, and Interstate   development - GUAM and  and economic development
              GUAM has been granted an   Information! Analytical   adopted its Charter.   - GUAM would ensure
              observer status in the UN  System of the GUAM                            achievement of the set pur-
              General Assembly. At the ini-  countries. In the subsequent   According to the Charter,  poses and enable to deepen
              tiative of the GUAM  years, useful cooperation   the structure of the newly  and enhance cooperation of
              Member States, the item enti-  between the GUAM and   created
                                                                           organization  its Member States. They
              tled "Protracted conflicts in   Japan, GUAM and Poland   includes the Council and the  also stressed that the priori-
              the GUAM area and their  was established as well.   Secretary. The Council is the  ties of the future
              implications for international                   main body of the  Organization would consist
              peace, security and develop-  The Chisinau Summit of   Organization which carries  of strengthening of the dem-
              ment"was included into the  2005 demonstrated shared   out its work on the level of  ocratic values, rule of law,
              agenda of the 61St session of  views of the countries on   the Heads of States  human rights and funda-
              the UN General Assembly.   democratization of society,   (Summit), Ministers of  mental freedoms, stability
                                       European integration, eco-   Foreign Affaires, National  and security, combating
                 16 4 2007 Diva

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