Page 14 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 14

toward one's country nor   from and where you are
             one's continent, because this   going--you stand still. Every
             schooling became available   day you are confronted with
             in this new era of independ-  challenges. We live in a glob-
             ence and development.   al village, and this implies
              Women became equal part-  that you know what is hap-
              ners everywhere, and found   pening everywhere almost at
              their place in society. Of   the very same minute it hap-
              course, all this is thanks to   pens, and you are confronted
              our forefathers and the gen-  with challenges to overcome.
              erations before us who, I   So I say that each African,
             would say, built the essential   wherever he is--in the field,
              foundations of this new   in the mine--his political
              Africa. In certain regions of   convictions should overcome
              Africa these foundations are   the daily challenges for a bet-
              really solid. For instance, if   ter well-being and better liv-  human beings are all the   former Human Rights
              this were not the case, I   ing conditions. Finally, if we
                                                              same.                    Commission, did not lead to
              would defmitely not be here.   talk in simplified terms--
                                                                                       any result. I am optimistic
              I might have found myself   what does each one of us
                                                              Our objective is to live   that the newly established
              living in a remote village sur-  aspire to? --you, me, him,
                                                              together in peace, security,   Human Rights Council will
              rounded by numerous chil-  Mr. X or Ms Y. It's for us
                                                              harmony and respect. If we   create a spirit of dialogue and
              dren and living a life based   now and for future genera-
                                                              know each other better, we   comprehension. Of course,
              upon the former social and   tions to live in peace, securi-
                                                              can put the positive and neg-  there are problems in this or
              economic conditions of my   ty and well-being.
                                                              ative in the balance. We have   that country. Let us go there
                                                              to share the good things in   together to analyse it and
                                     That's the reason why I said   the world--as well as the   define together the remedy.
              For instance, in some African   earlier that it's wrong to give
                                                              worst. There might be a dis-  Even the county in question
              countries--and even in some   a bad image to certain poor
                                                              aster somewhere in the   would have more confidence
              European countries--men   regions in the world. What is
                                                              world, but others should   if we came there to help them
              and women do not receive   happening to your neighbour
                                                              show solidarity. Of course,   -- that's the difference.
              equal pay, whereas in my   will affect you sooner or   for the development of all the   Therefore, we should change
              country this exists. One   later. For instance, if your
                                                              others, we have to share,   our mentality and not be ego-
              could say that certain mental-  neighbour's house is burning,
                                                              make concessions. We do not   ists. It's not a case of "it's not
              ities should be developed   your house may catch fire
                                                              ask for the impossible, but a   my problem" but only the
              further, but legally this equal-  too!
                                                              minimum of comprehension   concern of others. With this
              ity between the sexes exists.
                                                              and sharing.             global dimension of the
              So Arab-African women   So it's better to prevent it, and
                                                                                       world and with the new
              have something to be proud   to have solidarity with peo-
                                                              Famine and diseases on my   means of communication,
              of. The Arab-African women   ple. This is why I insist on
                                                              continent have no borders.   we know minute by minute
              have all the rights. In certain   partnership, responsible part-
                                                              An epidemic will cause   what is happening elsewhere
              parts of Africa, we are now   nership. By that I mean, not   migration and people will   and therefore we cannot be
              promoting partnership in a   the kind of partnership where   flow across borders. You are   indifferent!
              married couple. This is very   each one is defending his
                                                              not protected. So what is bet-
              positive and there is less   own interests, but a win-win
                                                              ter? Help us to keep our pop-  Q: In order to dialogue
              fighting and disputes. When   partnership. Perhaps you   ulation at home, in their   with "the egoists", might it
              you are a partner, things are   may have to make some con-
                                                              fields--they need to make a   not he easier to change
              clearer and more positive.   cessions on certain things--
                                                              living.                  their mentality.
                                     such as in trade negotiations-
              Therefore, I am honoured to   -but in the long term you will   I think this is a new culture,   If we approach each other;
              bear the title of 'Mama   win because I will open up
                                                              and I say that the internation-  and we dialogue in a more
              Africa because it shows the   my market to you. However,   al community here in   concrete, more pragmatic
              confidence of my peers, of   on the other hand, you
                                                              Geneva can do something.   and also in a more transpar-
              the African group. They must   should allow me to live, to   Everybody should join--  ent way, I think that we will
              feel that there is commitment   feed my family, to pay my   including the media--in order   be able to find solutions. It's
              and devotion to the cause.   employees, etc. Therefore, I
                                                              to get to know each other   not an easy task, but perse-
                                      say that with this globaliza-
                                                              better; and be able to put our-  verance, dialogue and human
              Q: It's true that you have to   tion, it's important that the   selves in other people's   relations play an important
              have confidence in what   world becomes closer and
                                                              shoes, because this would   role. Who would have said in
              you do?                 that we know each other bet-  solve quite a lot of problems.   the years following the
                                      ter. We might be different,                      Second World War that fifty-
              It's not only that. If you are   we may not look alike and   Experience has shown that to   three countries would gain
              not committed, and if you do   come from different regions,   condemn certain countries,   their independence? For our
              not know where you come   etc., but finally we are   such as happened with the   parents and their generation,
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