Page 19 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 19
GUAM in July2002: (From left to right) President of Azerba/an Heydar Aliyev, President of Georgia Eduard
Yalta Summit 0!
Shevernadze, President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma and President of Moldova Vladimir Voronin at the GUAM Summit in Yalta,
Ukraine (July2002)
international al significance and identity mobilize support by the will continue to playing an
aggressive international community to increasingly important role
by consolidating common
extremism and transnational interests and expanding sec- settle them. Member States in economic development
organized crime, deepening tor cooperation. The expressed their conviction and regional integration,
of the European integration Strategy that reintegration of the thus bringing continents
and achievement of sustain- Cooperation was adopted affected territories into the together. Uniting represen-
able development and well- during the Summit. The political, legal and socio- tatives of different cultural,
being of their peoples. Baky Summit also economic system of state, ethnic and religious back-
expressed the intention of their full rehabilitation, ground GUAM is promot-
Heads of States emphasized the GUAM states to actively return of displaced persons ing the vital process of dia-
in particular that GUAM is participate in strengthening to their places of permanent logue among civilizations
an open-ended organization, global energy security by residence, restoration of bringing mutual respect
and any state, sharing its supporting efforts to find transport communications through knowledge and
purposes and principles, new hydrocarbon sources, and ensuring the peaceful understanding.
may join it. They also adopt- using their territories for co-existence and coopera-
ed the decision concerning transportation of these tion between the communi-
the GUAM's partnership resources to the world mar- ties in these territories
with the interested states and kets and cooperating further remain the only option for
international organizations in exploring and developing just and lasting solution of
and approved the relevant alternative and renewable the conflicts.
provisions. energy sources.
While projecting the
The Second Summit of The Baky Summit again GUAM perspective for the
GUAM organized in Baky confirmed the necessity to future, GUAM's most recent
in June 2007 and entitled continue joint active meas- Vilnius Summit reiterated its
"GUAM: Bringing conti- ures for settling protracted strong determination to
nents together" further deep- conflicts in the GUAM actively contribute to the
ened and intensified the region on the basis of the international security, stabil-
cooperation between its principles of sovereignty, ity and peace in the most
Member States. It stressed territorial integrity and invi- effective and appropriate
unswerving strife of the olability of the international- manner. As a natural trans-
GUAM Member States to ly recognized borders as portation route connecting
develop the GUAM region- well as the importance to Europe and Asia, GUAM
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