Page 24 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 24

problem we usually side  important decisions made
                                                                with the European Union.  by the heads of States and
                                                                However, this does not  governments, and the
                                                                mean that it's always the  foreign ministers. Here in
                                                                case; each one has its own  Geneva, we have to do our
                                                                position and rhythm for  own homework and chip in
                                                                approaching the EU or  to the overall effort.
                                                                                       Q: So what is your
                                                                Q:. What would you like   homework in Geneva?
                                                                to achieve during this
                                                                jubilee year, while  AZERBAIJAN: We have a
                                                                Azerbaijan is holding  lot of international organiza-
                                                                the presidency?        tions here in Geneva. For
                                                                                       each of our countries we
                                                                AZERBAIJAN: First, let  have certain priorities in our
                                                                me point out that it's both an   work. For missions as small
                                                                honour and a challenge for  as ours, it is difficult to
                                                                Azerbaijan to hold the presi-  expect to be able to cover all
                                                                dency of GUAM. It's a very   the areas with equal effi-
                                                                important period of history.  ciency. For Azerbaijan, for
                                                                It was only in 2006 that  example, all issues related to
                                                                GUAM has been officially   human rights are very
                                                                transformed into a full-  important, we have been
                                                                fledged international organi-  elected as one of the first
                                                                zation, and has taken the  members of the newly-
                          His Excellency Mr. Yevhen Bersheda,
                                                                name of Organization for  created 	Geneva-based
                               Ambassador of Ukraine            Democracy and Economic  Human Rights Council and
                                                                Development. First of all,  we closely cooperate with
                  ted to NATO.           troops from the four coun-
                                                                the paramount task before  the Office of the Un High
                                         tries in order to be able to
                                                                the Azerbaijani presidency  Commissioner on Human
                  GEORGIA: As for  assist international organiza-
                                                                is to foster all pillars of this  Rights. Equally important
                  Georgia, within the frame-  tions -- the United Nations,
                                                                newly created international  and closely related to this is
                  work of cooperation in the  also NATO -- in the deploy-
                                                                organization and to promote  the humanitarian dimension
                  military sphere as well as  ment of military forces have
                                                                and further strengthen its  of Geneva work, because as
                  Georgia's integration into  been subject of discussions
                                                                role and place in the interna-  a result of the ongoing
                  the NATO, we consider that  within GUAM at the level
                                                                tional arena. The Baku  conflict with neighbouring
                  GUAM has a potential to  of our defense establish-
                                                                Summit of GUAM that took   Armenia almost twenty
                  contribute to the peace-  ments. These discussions
                                                                place in June 2007 has iden-  percent of our international-
                  keeping forces and civil  still continue since the issue
                                                                tified a set of strategic goals  ly recognised territory
                  police component in the  is not an easy one. But this
                                                                and objectives for our coun-  remain under Armenian
                  peacekeeping and humanita-  goes to show that co-opera-
                                                                tries to jointly achieve,  foreign occupation and
                  rian assistance related  tion among GUAM States
                                                                namely the tasks before  close to one million of
                  operations carried out under  indeed is multidimensional.
                                                                GUAM and its future direc-  Azerbaijanis have been
                  the auspices of the United  We have mentioned econo-
                                                                tion. Holding the presiden-  uprooted from their homes
                  Nations, OSCE and other  mic and political co-opera-
                                                                cy, we are first among  and continue to remain
                  relevant international orga-  tion, but there is also milita-
                  nizations. At the same time,  ry, parliamentary, scientific,   equals, so basically in ful-  internally displaced in their
                                                                filling our duties we will be  own land. So, daily work
                  Georgia welcomes the great  cultural dimensions to it.
                                                                acting in close interaction  with the Office of the United
                  interest taken by the
                                                                and consultation with our  Nations High Commis-
                  European Union in the  UKRAINE: I would like to
                                                                partners in the organization   sioner for Refugees,
                  solution of the frozen  say clearly that GUAM is
                                                                on the basis consensual  International Organization
                  conflicts and hopefully, we  not actually affiliated to
                                                                decision-making. We do  for Migration, International
                  would witness fruitful  NATO or to the European
                                                                have a solid roadmap to fol-  Committee of Red Cross,
                  cooperation between EU  Union or to any other orga-
                                                                low and its implementation  etc., are very important for
                  and GUAM in the sphere.   nization. It's completely
                                                                will require a lot of joint  us. Then you have, of
                                         independent. You might
                                                                effort and commitment. Our  course, WTO which is a
                  AZERBAIJAN: The ideas  have noticed that, either here
                                                                task will be to co-ordinate  completely 	different
                  to form a peace-keeping  in Geneva or in New York,
                                                                the activities of all four  domain, and there we are an
                  battalion consisting of  when the international orga-
                                                                countries, to implement  acceeding country. As to
                                         nizations discuss a certain
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