Page 22 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 22
AZERBAIJAN: We too are GUAM are clear, and it is a
very pleased that the head- good example on how all
quarters is in Kiev. In fact, countries should co-exist.
Ukraine was the first one to
propose hosting the head- Q: Does this imply that
quarters. It was a welcome you always agree?
decision adopted by consen-
sus by all four states and we UKRAINE: We have been
are confident that with all together for ten years, and
the support of logistical and since we remain voluntarily
administrative nature the united, this implies that
Secretariat will be able to relations are good.
live up to its tasks.
Obviously, it is not easy 0: However, I presume
acting as a host for an inter- that there might someti-
national organization and all mes be differences of
our countries have represen- opinion?
tatives at the headquarters
with certain division of AZERBAIJAN: Of course,
labour among us which sometimes we may hold dif-
gives a vision -- its really an fering opinions on various
organization of equals. issues. But this is a normal
and if I may use the word a
His Excellency Mr. Teimuraz Bakradze, Minister Q: The four founding healthy process. If you take
Plenipotentiary of Georgia "fathers" are quite dif- the European Union, there
ferent. How would you are many issues even there
have received observer sta- We united only because we characterize the rela- when there is no common
tus in the United Nations thought that our interests tionship among your- position at the beginning.
General Assembly. GUAM and the interests of our peo- selves? Then, through consultations
is one of the major stakehol- ple could be reconciled or and the commitment of
ders in the Organization for coincide on a variety of AZERBAIJAN: Let me countries to reach a compro-
Security and Co-operation issues. first say that with all due mise, they achieve a mutual-
in Europe (OSCE). I could respect I cannot subscribe ly acceptable solution. We
go on with these examples, under the view we are all are able to overcome all the
in the meantime there UKRAINE: I would like to different. One of the reasons differences between us
should be no room for com- say that among the achieve- why we got together in the because we talk to each
placency. We understand ments of GUAM is the insti- first place was because we other and hear each other
how many difficult pro- tutionalization of this orga- share many things in com- and try to be helpful and
blems and challenges still nization, with a secretariat in mon -- and not only good constructive. However, it
lay ahead of us, which is Kiev consisting of eight dif- things! Our peoples have would not be correct to say
normal. Problems of unre- ferent working sections. Not always been very close to that we agree on everything
solved conflicts -- this is only have we set up an orga- each other in many respects. at once. It would not be
only one major concern. The nization to defend our com- We also share some difficul- necessary to unite if we
other challenges are ensu- mon interests, but we have ties and problems that we agreed on everything right
ring energy security of our equally set up the instrument have inherited from the past from the start! It's in not like
states and our partners, the for the realization of our which we must overcome in the old Soviet-style regi-
further development of civil common interests.
together. me where you had to raise
society, democratic develop- your hand and say that you
ment, etc. Q: Why did you choose GEORGIA: We are like- agreed with everything even
Kiev for the head- minded countries at the if you didn't. It's a more
Another important point: quarters? same level in developing sound process. We listen to
one of the widespread human rights and democra- each other, we conduct a
misperceptions tic policies. Although it has dialogue, we talk to each
about UKRAINE: We are, of
GUAM is that it is allegedly course, very pleased about been suggested that we are other, and then we reach a
opposed to somebody else. this. Let me just say that all against somebody or some- democratic decision with
One should be clear about the decisions in GUAM are
thing, that is not the true pic- which we all agree on. This
this, that this premise has no made by consensus. The ture. We would like to deve- is very important. It was
grounds whatsoever. We Secretary-General is from lop full democracies and full very rightly mentioned by
have never thought about Georgia.
independence. The relations our Georgian colleague that
GUAM as a counterforce. with the Member States of
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