Page 27 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 27
Vilnius Energy Security Conference, meeting of the heads of GUAM states Vilnius, Lithuania, 10 October 2007
It is absolutely obvious ging examples. I think that AZERBAIJAN: If every-
that with the increasing of when the Secretary- thing in the region depen-
pressure on the capacities General spoke about the ded upon GUAM, we
of the World Organization, role of regional organiza- would not have any pro-
the fight against the peace tions, he also wanted to blems. But we realise that
and security challenges, as emphasize his own desire we are not on an island.
internal conflicts, the sup- that these organizations
plementary actions of the should contribute to the UKRAINE: We are all
regional organizations in promotion of peace, members of United
this sense, or even, the stability and security. Nations, and we are obli-
direct involvement in the ged to carry out the resolu-
settlement of different Unfortunately, today it is tions of the United
conflicts, thanks to the not always the case, but it Nations.
division of competences, is is up to the member states
not only welcomed, but of different regions to
necessary. The involve- make sure that the organi-
ment in the settlement of zations of which they are
the conflicts, including the members fulfil these tasks.
"frozen" conflicts, as those
from the Republic of Q: Do you think GUAM
Moldova and Caucasus could fulfil this role?
must be strictly in accor-
dance with the UN and
M.t ?
(Organization for Security
and Cooperation in -
Europe). RUSSIA
subscribe to this view, and
as a statement it sounds
good. In reality, though,
some regional organiza-
tions do not live up to the
expectations of the
countries that are facing
serious problems. Of
course, you have positive
examples where regional ED1TERRNEAN
organizations contribute to
the promotion of peace and
then you have discoura-
4 2007 Diva 25
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