Page 26 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 26

Vilnius GUAM meeting, Lithuania, October 2007

                Q: In your Action Plan  existence as "frozen   people do not exist and that   to join. For the time being,
                here in Geneva, have  conflicts" with no final   there is no problem.  I do not know of any immi-
                you divided the work  solution. GUAM aims to   Unfortunately, the interna-  nent new admissions to our
                amongst you?          activate discussions about   tional community does not   club, but I do not exclude
                                      the said conflicts in   pay attention to them. It is   its enlargement in the
                AZERBAIJAN: As I  Geneva, in a city of       unacceptable to us that our   future at some point when
                mentioned, we have  humanitarian dialogue and   conflicts are so protracted.   such a need arises.
                identified various sets of  of human rights, paying
                issues and we assigned co-  particular attention to the   Q: Are there any plans   Q: A couple of days
                                                                                    ago in the General
                ordination on certain chap-  interests of the displaced   for
                ters among us. This is a  populations and their indi-  countries to join the   Assembly, the UN
                joint effort, and we all  vidual needs. Furthermore,   organization?   Secretary-General Ban
                contribute to this plan. In  Georgia pays considerable              Ki-moon highlighted
                Geneva it is a rather  attention to the promotion   A  Z  E  R B  A I j A N:  the role of regional
                nascent development and  of the resolution within the   According to its Charter,   organizations in pre-
                we have now as they say to  framework of the UN   GUAM is an open-ended   venting
                put some flesh on the  General Assembly dealing   organization, so our doors   saying that the regio-
                bones. It is very important  with the protracted   are not closed to anyone.   nal organizations com-
                for us to provide our own  conflicts within GUAM   In the meantime, any State   plement the work of
                contribution in reaching  region and their impact on   wishing to join this organi-  the UN worldwide. Do
                objectives defined by our  the international peace,   zation should subscribe to   you agree with this
                Heads of States and  security and development.   the founding principles   statement? And if
                governments.                                 and the major purposes and   "yes", why?
                                      Q: You said that the   objectives of the organiza-
                GEORGIA: The unresol-  United Nations did not   tion. The organization's   MOLDOVA:
                ved conflicts remain one of  pay much attention to   main purpose is to ensure   Secretary-General's affir-
                the main problems that we  this problem?     that we respect each others'   mation is in conformity
                                                                                    with the seventh chapter of
                do not carry an illusion that                sovereignty,
                it can be steadily solved as  Some twenty-four or   integrity and our right for   the UN Charter, which sti-
                each conflict has its multi-  twenty-six 	                          pulate the cooperation bet-
                                                             independent existence. So,
                lateral dimensions and  have been adopted on this   if neighbouring countries   ween the United Nations
                human as well as humani-  issue, but not one of them   share these views and offi-  and the regional organiza-
                tarian aspects in it, but we  has been implemented. We   cially subscribe to these   tions in the fields of peace
                truly hope to draw atten-  are dealing with the lives   principles and purposes, I   and security. As a UN
                tion of the international  of 500,000 displaced   do not see any problems --  member state we can only
                community towards their  people. Sometimes you get   at least from my country's   support this.
                                      the feeling that these   perspective -- for anyone
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