Page 21 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 21

from the very beginning in   M I N I S T E R
               seeking economic develop-  PLENIPOTENTIARY
               ment, a market economy,   B A K R A D  Z  E
               social market development,   (GEORGIA):
               the ideals of democracy and   As noted by the respectful
               human rights.          Ambassadors, GUAM is an
                                      organization based on
               AMBASSADOR  cooperation among its four
               LAPICUS (MOLDOVA):     members aimed to promote
               In our opinion, the institu-  stability and strengthen
               tion of GUAM on 10  security aspects of our
               October 1997 had as its   countries. As an alliance
               priority the necessity of   based on reciprocity and
               development and co-opera-  common understanding of
               tion among the four coun-  set objectives, it was and
               tries in order to reinforce   still aims to promote and
               stability and security in   enhance the democratic
               Europe. This was a matter of   values and rule of law in our
               respecting the sovereignty,   states. In that respect, the
               the territorial integrity and   keynote issues perceived as
               the inviolability of borders,   cornerstones of this organi-
               as well as democracy, the   zation are:
                                                              His Excellency Mr Elchin Amirbayov, Ambassador of
               rule of law and respect for   •  the security aspects in
               human rights.          relation to energy sector;
                                       •  the conflict settlement/
                                                              and the United States, Japan,   imposed by one country on
               The Strasbourg Declaration,   resolution; and   Poland, the Baltic States and   another; this is a voluntary
                                       •  the cooperation in the
                                                              Romania                union of like-minded States
               Ambassador of Azerbaijan,   military and political                    who think that, by joining
               describes the intensification   spheres.       We can also notice the   their efforts together, they
               of the political approach and                  inclusion on the UN General   can more easily and more
               increasing co-operation   Q: What do you       Assembly agenda a point  efficiently achieve the goals
               among the member states in   consider as the main
                                                              about the long-term (frozen)   they have set themselves.
               several fields -- both inter-  achievement of the
                                                              conflicts in the territories of   These are: economic deve-
               nationally and bilaterally.   organization?
                                                              GUAM and the consequen-  lopment, strengthening of
               The objectives of GUAM
                                                              ces for security and interna-  political interaction, deepe-
               were reconfirmed in the   MOLDOVA: One can note
                                                              tional development.    ning and strengthening of
               Yalta Charter of 7 January   several achievements of                  democratic development,
               2001, which stressed inten-  GUAM. One of the most
                                                              AZERBAIJAN: I fully  ensuring respect of human
               sification and development   important is the fight against
                                                              share what was said by the   rights and so forth. Of cour-
               of commercial and econo-  terrorism, organized crime,
                                                              Ambassador of Moldova,   se, it would be difficult to
               mic relations, the develop-  drug trafficking and other
                                                              but I would like to approach   ensure this without the sup-
               ment of infrastructure and   serious crimes. This is
                                                              your question from a diffe-  port that GUAM has recei-
               international security, as   shown by the institutionali-
                                                              rent angle. There are many   ved from major internatio-
               well as the struggle to over-  zation of the GUAM Centre
                                                              international organizations   nal players, such as the
               come terrorism, illegal   within each of the Ministries
                                                              or groupings of States that   United States and the
               migration, organized crime   of the Interior. Another
                                                              have been established throu-  European Union, as well as
               and drug trafficking.   achievement is the impor-
                                                              ghout history. When esta-  from individual States such
                                      tance of free trade, which
                                                              blishing our organization,  as Poland, the Baltic coun-
               UKRAINE: I would like to   has doubled in volume in
                                                              we had a goal not to repeat   tries, Japan and so on. We
               point out that the history of   terms of merchandise. For
                                                              the mistakes of the others,   could say that the main
               our four countries and our   instance, comparing the first
                                                              but to adopt the best practi-  achievement of this organi-
               four peoples is not just a   semester of 2007 with the
                                                              ces, to learn the lessons in   zation was that, after a few
               question of the last ten   same period last year, trade
                                                              order to be able to state -- as   years of existence, it did not
               years. Ten years is the histo-  has increased by € million.
                                                              we are doing ten years later   vanish into thin air!
               ry of our organization,  This is a very good and posi-
                                                              today -- that we have mana-  Moreover, it evolved and it
               GUAM, but the history of   tive result.
                                                             ged to establish ourselves as   has become an international
               friendly relations between
                                                              a voluntary association of  player. GUAM is now reco-
               our four peoples has lasted   Another point worthy of
                                                             like-minded States that has   gnized and its voice heard in
               for hundreds of years.   note is the constructive
                                                             not failed. It is not some-  international arenas. GUAM
                                      dialogue between GUAM
                                                             thing artificial; it is not
                                                                                               4 2007 Dive 19
                                          diva: nternational
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