Page 20 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 20

GUAM: a success story in regional collaboration

                     An interview with their Excellencies Mr. Elchin Amirbayov of
               Azerbaijan, Mr. Teimuraz Bakradze of Georgia, Mrs. Tatiana Lapicus of
                              Moldova, and Mr. Yevhen Bersheda of Ukraine

                                     GUAM Jubilee Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, October 2007

               It is not every day that we  Q: GUAM was set up   the Strasbourg Declaration -   strategic alliance, which was
               have the chance of mee-  ten years ago. What   - in the framework of the   aimed at overcoming com-
               ting four heads of mis-  were the reasons for its   Council of Europe. This step   mon risks, challenges and
                                  in  creation?
               sions 		                                      proved to be very far-  threats, as well as strengthe-
               Geneva, but we managed                        sighted because it was   ning the independence and
               to do this in order to talk  (In this year of celebrations,   determined by challenges,   sovereignty of these States
               about a regional success  Azerbaijan is holding the   similarities, constraints and
               story. GUAM _'the     presidency. So we start with   problems that our States   A  M B  A  S S  A 1) 0 R
               Organization for Demo-  that country.)        were facing. What brought   B E R S H E D A
               cracy and Economic                            this group together was the   U K R A  I N F
               Development   --   is
                                     AM B A SS AD OR         search for common answers   I recall well the situation
               celebrating its tenth   AM  1 R    A\OV  and the resolution of  when we started to discuss
               anniversary of success-  (AZE RBAIJAN):       different issues we were   co-operation among our
               ful collaboration. The
                                     The Organization for    facing and still face. The   four countries. I think it's
               four heads of missions
                                     Democracy and Economic   most complicated of these   important to note that we
               responded positively to
                                     Development -- GUAM, as   challenges was, of course,   have common interests in
               our request, and the
               interview was carried out   it is officially called -- is an   related to unresolved   creating a transportation
                                                                                    infrastructure, and especial-
               in a very good atmo-  international, regional orga-  protracted
               sphere - displaying the  nization. It consists of four   conflicts that affected three   ly in the energy sector. It
               "bon entente" and giving  member states -- Ukraine,   of the four States, in the   was a question of creating
               us a concrete answer as  Moldova, Georgia and   territories of Azerbaijan,   Eurasian
               to why it's a success   Azerbaijan. It was initially   Georgia and Moldova.   Transcaucasian transporta-
                                     established as a group of   GUAM is set to foster a   tion corridors. I believe that
                                     these four states in 1997 --   political, economic and   all our countries were united
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