Page 25 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 25
GUAM Heads of States with their partners in Vilnius, October 2007
interaction at GUAM level, transport fields, as well as in Q: On a country level, able to pursue further our
our experts and sometimes the fields of terrorism and what has membership own independent foreign
ambassadors gather together the settlement of existing in this organization policy, to continue to play
to exchange views, discuss conflicts. In general terms, implied for each one of an important role in
joint initiatives, set up a plan we can expect that from an your countries? regional developments. It
of action at the level of institutional point of view is very important that you
permanent missions of the organization will beco- AZERBADIJAN: In the are not alone when you are
GUAM states here in me consolidated in the two beginning, it was a natural faced with these kinds of
Geneva. We have already or three coming years. We association of States that difficult challenges. For
identified possible areas of would like to see collabora- shared lots of values, many each of our countries, we
perceptions, may call different pro-
cooperation, so if we mana- tion among States consoli- common
ge to implement this plan we dated as foreseen in the threats and challenges. blems a priority, but when
will contribute to raising the mandate for the benefit of Today, it is clear that the we are united, when we
overall profile of GUAM in everybody. world is very interconnec- can count on each other,
the international arena. We ted and for us it is very when we see that we have
have a lot of work to do in UKRAINE: We await the inspiring to see that there a lot in common to mate-
this regard. future development of the are countries thinking rialize our common vision
approaching of the future I think this is
political tendencies that we about
Q: Where do you see have perceived recently. problems in the same way the major advantage to
the organization a cou- Over the last couple of years that we do. Of course, I'm draw from our members-
ple of years from now? our collaboration has beco- speaking about my own hip in GUAM. We know
me closer and the next year country. The most impor- that there are countries
for with whom we can discuss
MOLDOV: One might may give us the possibility tant
deduce from your question of advancing the ideas that Azerbaijan is to be able to anything and on whose
that we are talking about were there at the beginning. eliminate the the conse- support we can always
short-term objectives agreed With better means, we can quences of the aggression count -- be it political, eco-
in the GUAM meetings with put them into action, espe- of neighbouring Armenia, nomic or any other pro-
the participation of Heads of cially with the institutional which occupies almost blem. So, basically, it is a
State and Ministers of increase of our organization. one-fifth of our land, and demonstration of our own
Foreign Affairs. In accor- We will be able to resolve has caused the displace- vision on how we should
dance with the last decision the problems quicker and ment of hundreds of move forward together. I
adopted by the Heads of more efficiently thanks to thousand Azerbaijanis. We think it's easier and more
State, the principal objecti- what we have put in place so would like to feel like an efficient that we move
ves are co-operation in the far. independent State and not together.
economic, energy and just be called one, to be
4 2007 Diva 23
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