Page 15 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 15
this was a dream. So let us
continue dreaming--a con-
crete dream.
We, the Africans should
become better organized,
have better statistics for
instance. "They" are better
"armed' than us; "they" have
better technologies; "they"
have more expertise perhaps.
Q: I have the impression
that the African Union is
imposing itself on the inter-
national scene.
We are not imposing our-
selves, but we are trying to
occupy the place that is
reserved for us. We have,
after all, a place in this world. tural or linguistic--it works something to learn and other people who v. ould
We are, after all, a continent very well. Perhaps this is also something to give--and that's like to establish partner-
with fifty-three different due to our culture of solidar- what is positive about it. ships with Africa-- hat
countries. In the United ity, the culture of helping There are others groups in should the do? Should
Nations this is a very one's brother. This has New York, etc., and I have they get in touch iNith you?
respectable group. The fact is always been a positive point. heard from my colleagues
that the Africa Union is Of course, we might have that the ambiance is good Of course! Our office will
organizing itself in order to differences of opinion in dis- there too. However, in provide them with informa-
better defend its interests, cussions, but this is a democ- Geneva--it's multi-sectoral tion, and then there is our
and to take its place at the racy so in the end we always and we deal with all kinds of Headquarters in Addis
table. We are not trying to reach a common agreement. subjects. The ambiance is Ababa. Several depart-
become a force to block the lively! ments there are concerned
others--this is not at all the Q: What about the with political or economic
case. We just want to occupy ambiance? Q: You have become an affairs. We are the liaison
the place that is ours. Honorary Member of the between the AU and the
We have a very good spirit. Geneva E)iplomatic Club. international community in
We do not wish to revive the The group consists of high- Geneva and vice-versa.
sad events of history, but the level expertise, and this is This is another opportunity
fact is that Africa has been one of the reasons why I'm to promote Africa because of
exploited. So now the time very optimistic. When you my position here. I am just
has come to rehabilitate it. have people with of a high- one small citizen from this
Africa takes its place and level of intellectual capacity, continent. The most impor-
starts to exploit its own the problems dissipate quick- tant aspect about this is that
resources. ly and easily. That's why I Africa opens up to other cir-
say we need better compre- cles and that is my mission in
Q: The African countries hension and a level of order to give more visibility
are quite diverse, both liii- instruction in our countries. to the organization and the
guisticalk and iiith diffir- It's important to reinforce our continent, to open up to other
ent cultural heritages from capacities in education and communities. The mission of
their colonial masters. Flow health--these are basic funda- the Diplomatic Circle of
do you reach harino"N in mental rights. Geneva is to bring people
meetings? together--the business com-
When you deal with people munity, internationals, diplo-
The African continent is very at a certain level, you cannot mats. Why not try to find
diverse and perhaps it's this come to the table with partnerships in this environ-
diversity that constitutes our Kalashnikovs! I do not say ment too. Of course, I'm
wealth. The African Union this just to praise my conti- thrilled about this distinction,
has four official languages nent, but I'm thrilled about and I will continue to fight
and in our meetings we nor- the African group in Geneva. for more visibility for Africa
mally have interpretation. I always learn something so as to give this continent
from them. Because in this the image that it deserves.
Despite our differences--cul- diversity you always have Q: For businessmen and
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