Page 32 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 32
TaiwanlHA's medical relief effort in Peru
trauma, broken bones, frac- deepest impression from the
tures, flu and asthma. Aside mission, "It was quite impres-
from stationed consultation sive to see those people, espe-
service, the team also cially the children remain with
walked into the community smiling faces in such a desper-
to offer medical assistance ate environment. Their smiles
to the old and disabled dispelled all the fatigue and
patients. The team was also difficulties we encountered,
entrusted by the hospital to and they were worth all the
distribute dry- hand- efforts we made." said Mr.
cleanser to the workers and Lee.
chefs of 27 temporary com-
munity kitchens for Because of the immediate
improving hygienic stan- assistance and the enthusiasm
dards under the circum- demonstrated in the humani-
stances of lacking water. tarian works, the medical team
of TaiwanlHA received much
team to Peru. The five-mem- On August 20, the appreciation and admiration
Braving heavy rain and
by locals as well as the recog-
ber medical team includes "Taiwanese
strong wind, the 5 members of Chief of Medics, Dr. Chen Association in Peru" donated nition of other international
Taiwan International Health
Hou-Chaung (an orthopedic half a container of food to the humanitarian organizations.
Action (TaiwanlHA) emer-
surgeon from Taichung World Vision, and the other In addition to TaiwanlHAs
gency medical relief team half to the people of disaster-
Hospital), Dr. Ker Cheng-Chin contribution, the government
were rushed to the airport to
(a physician from Taipei striken area of San Clemente. of the Republic of China
embark on the airplane to Peru On August 22, the delegation
Hospital), Ms. Shin Yi-Jen (Taiwan) also donated
despite imminent arrival of from the " Dharma Drum
(registered nurse at Taipei US$100,000 to the govern-
Setpa typhoon in the evening
Hospital), Ms. Lien Shu-Fen Mountain Foundation", a ment of Peru. The Tzchi
of August 17, 2007. (The air-
(public health specialist) and Buddhist charity group of Foundation,
ports of Taiwan were closed
Mr. Lee Szu-Min, the chief of Taiwan founded by Venerable Compassion Relief founded
the next day due to typhoon.) Master Sheng Yen, arrived
administration at TaiwaniHA. by Dharma Master Cheng Yen,
They brought 8 boxes of med- with the supply worthy of US is organizing a team to evalu-
At 6:41 in the evening of
ical supplies and traveled over $ 100,000. The three groups ate the ways of participating in
August 15 (August 16, Taipei 20 hours to arrive in Peru in from Taiwan worked hand in the post-disaster reconstruc-
time), 2007, Peru was heavily
the afternoon on August 18. hand providing material aid as tion.
hit by an earthquake of 8 on
Wasting no time, upon arrival, well as comfort to the victims
the Richter scale. According to
the team immediately proceed- of the earthquake. They were The mission carried out by
media reports, more than 450
ed to the town of Pisco prepar- heartily welcomed and TaiwanfHA and other groups
people died, thousands were
ing to work. TaiwanlHA was cheered by the locals. from Taiwan is meaningful
injured and 80,000 left home- the first foreign medical relief and it proves that Taiwan is
less in the hardest-hit city
team to arrive and it was also The TaiwanlHA medical team ready to render its assistance to
Pisco. Electricity, water and
the only such team from Asia. accomplished its eight-day those who is in need regardless
communications were lost as
humanitarian mission of med- of the distance.
At the dawn of August 19, the ical relief and returned to
team proceeded to the village Taiwan in the evening of by TaiwanlHA
After confirming and assess-
of San Clemente and com- August 28. In the Press
ing the result of the disaster,
menced its work. Nearly 200 Conference at TaiwaniHA on
TaiwanlHA immediately dis-
patients were treated on that the next day, a reporter asked
patched its emergency medical
same day. Treatments included team members what was their
30 4 2007 Diva
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