Page 34 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 34
UN+ - a voice one should
listen to
H aven't heard about UN +?
It is an advocacy group for
people living with HIV and
working in the UN system. It
started in 2005 after some con-
cerned UN staff in Geneva and
in New York begun to discuss
the challenges they face in the
UN system. What started out
as an informal group of HIV
positive persons, today has
become an independent initia-
tive hosted by UNAIDS.
In March 2006, more than 30
members of the United
Nations system HIV Positive
Staff Group (UN+) from 11
different UN agencies and
associated programs based in
tJN+ coordinator lighting a candle in memory ofpeople who have
duty stations around the world died of AIDS on world aids day, 2006
met in Amsterdam. UN+ had
Mobility restrictions; and Global meeting of UN+,
We are been set up the previous year Confidentiality. These papers which will be taking place in
as an internal advocacy and
were presented to the UN Pretoria, South Africa between
peer-support group; this meet- November 20 and 22nd. The
grateful ing was the first opportunity Secretary
meeting will discuss how to
for members to meet globally. Excellency, Mr. Ban ki-Moon,
at a meeting in New York in take the initiative further in
for the During this first meeting, the May, 2007 (see photo 2). The terms of governance; internal
members agreed that the group
group works in collaboration communication and external
should have an overreaching
tremen- goal of seeking policy change with UN Cares, another HIV relations.
throughout the UN system. in the workplace program, and
both initiatives focus on For further information
The meeting also agreed on
dous the need for a full-time coordi- implementing the UN regarding the activities of
Personnel Policy on HTV and UN+, please contact
nator for this initiative. (see
support photo 1) AIDS, which was put into Bhatupe Mhango, Global
Coordin-ator UN+
effect in 1991.
we have Their mission statement is: 63 members of UN+ are now Email:
"Uniting for solidarity, equali-
registered to attend the Second Web :
ty and acceptance for people
received living with HIV within the UN
system through awareness
from raising, policy change and
advocacy." The aim of this ini-
tiative is to show that although
UNAIDS people might be HIV positive
they can still function and
and from work normally like anybody
else, and the UN as THE world
body has to be an example.
Dr Peter This year, UN+ has produced
position papers in its four main UN+ Advisory Group meets with the Secretary General in New York in May,
2007. Also in the picture are the UNAIDS Executive Director Dr Peter Piot;
Piot" focus areas and these are: Deputy Executive Director Ms Deborah Landey and three UN+ co-founders- Ms
Health Insurance; Stigma and
Discrimination; Travel and Kate Thomson (UNAIDS); Mr. Ian Grubb (The Global Fund) and Ms. Martina
Clark (UNICEF).
32 4 2007 Diva
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