Page 7 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 7

Q: Do you find it difficult taking   For instance, when I visit a camp of   In Geneva we have a well-functioning
             over after Jan Egland, who was   internally displaced persons, what I see   partnership with all the UN agencies,
             quite an outspoken man?         is perhaps the better part of it. I do not   NGOs, etc., and it's important that we
                                             see the destruction and the killings. I   maintain this partnership -- that we all
             Not really. Jan Egeland was perhaps   bear in mind that these people have   work closely to improve the
             from a different background than I, but   gone through far more miseries than   humanitarian work. Some of the
             we are defending the same causes. We   the awful things I see.   NGOs are bigger in size than some of
             have different styles, which is quite                            the UN agencies and it's important that
             normal as we are different persons.   One should also think about the   we all work together.
                                              humanitarian workers who go out
             Q: We haven't seen you so much   there to help -- not because of the   0: You have quite a lot of work
             in the press though?             money, not because of the prestige, but   and much travelling. Do you
                                             simply because they want to help.   ever get time off?
             Well, I might not have the same media
             coverage, but nevertheless I have   Q: On the subject of humanitarian   Well, in this job with all this pressures
             spoken quite a lot to the press lately   workers, are you planning to do   and the travelling everybody needs
             about different subjects.        anything additional for their   time off, including me. So I try to get a
                                              security?                       break from time to time. So far I have
             0: Do you find it difficult to find                              been doing a lot of travelling, almost
             funding for humanitarian crises?   Last week I had the chance to speak in   half of my time in office, which I think
                                              the Security Council about the security   is about the same as my predecessors.
             It is true that with the humanitarian   of the humanitarian workers, and it's
             appeals, there is a difference between   important to draw Member States'   However, I must admit that I have been
             what we usually request and the   attention to this subject.     quite lucky -- there has not so far been
             amount that we actually receive. The                             any huge humanitarian crisis, but one
             need is always so much higher. To help   Q: But not everyone attends the   day or another it will come
             bridge the gap, we use the funds from   SC meetings.
             the Central Emergency Response Fund                              NOTES
             (CERF).                          Of course, but it's important to draw   ('MG: Companion of the Order of St
                                              the attention of everybody to this   Michael and St George. An honour usual/v
             As for OCHA itself, OCHA is funded   subject -- to start with, the Member   awarded to ambassadors. CVO:
             by voluntary contributions, and so far   States, then the local government,   Commander of the Royal Victorian Order
             we cannot say that there is any   rebels, etc. Humanitarian workers are   conferred on those who have performed
                                                                              personal services for the Queen. KBE:
             problem. The CERF has far more   there to help, with no political agenda.
                                                                              Knight Commander of the Order of the
             donors than the traditional donor   They should not only get access to the   British Empire, admission to knighthood
             nations -- to date we have seventy   catastrophes, but be protected and
                                                                              giving the title of"Sir'GCVO: Knight
             donors --who sometimes have given   respected as well.           Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order
             small amounts but nevertheless its an
             important step. By 2008 we should   Q: Do you have a particular
             reach US$450 million; today we have   message to the international
             about US$346 million in pledges.   community in Geneva?

             Q: Is there an agency that is
             going to be dedicated to inter-
             nally displaced persons?

             So far there have been no plans for
             setting up an agency specifically for

             0: When you travel and see all
             this human misery, how do you

             You have to react in a very
             professional way, and turn this
             frustration and anger into constructive
             action. It's not easy, but that to my
                                             (hI/dma poOng tom a photo afier picking giaiii at 010,10 IDP caniji, Kirrom District.
             mind is the only way to do it.
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