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irak special

              Empowering Tomorrow - Bridging Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development                                        pivotal  role  in  creating  an  atmosphere  charged  with  celebration  and  cultural
                                                                                                                                      vibrancy. Their performance contributed significantly to the overall ambiance,
                                                                                                                                      transforming the event into not just an intellectual assembly but also a vibrant
                                                                                                                                      celebration of creativity and cultural diversity. The overarching mission of this
                                                                                                                                      gathering was crystal clear — it sought to put forth ideas that would form the very
                                                                                                                                      essence of encouraging and supporting creative thoughts. In doing so, it intended
                                                                                                                                      to rise above bureaucratic boundaries, serving as a catalyst for innovative thinking
                                                                                                                                      in the realms of intellectual property and sustainable development.

                                                                                                                                      Intellectual Exploration Unveiled: The Conference Highlights
                                                                                                                                      Each  day  unfolded  as  a  rich  intellectual  exploration  at  the  distinguished  Al-
                                                                                                                                      Mansour  Hotel,  where  scholars  presented  research  on  diverse  topics.  This
                                                                                                                                      gathering aimed to be a platform for exchanging ideas, knowledge, and innovative
                                                                                                                                      insights, fostering a global environment where creativity thrives.

                                                                                                                                      Guiding Stars: A Roadmap for the Future
                                                                                                                                      The conference yielded seven guiding stars, representing a roadmap for developing
                                                                                                                                      and  defending  creative  thoughts  globally.  These  stars  advocate  for  centralized
              Baghdad’s Global Summit: Uncovering a                                                                                   guardianship,  illuminating  minds  through  education,  safeguarding  cultural
                                                                                                                                      heritage, global harmony in laws, expertise enhancement, digital fortifications,
              Harmony of Ideas and Unity                                                                                              and viewing intellectual property as valuable assets.

                                                                                                                                      Guiding Stars Illuminating the Path:
              By Marianne Rothmann - Cultural Communicator                                                                            1.  Centralized  Guardianship:  Advocating  for  delegating  the  responsibility  for
                                                                                                                                      intellectual property and sustainable development to a single institution, aiming
                               In the heart of the Middle East, where the Tigris   skyscrapers of America to the serene landscapes    to streamline efforts and ensure a more cohesive strategy for protecting creative
                               River whispers ancient tales, Baghdad emerged   of  Canada,  the  bustling  streets  of  Singapore,    ideas.
                               as  a  sign  of  intellectual  brilliance  in  October   the  historical  wonders  of  Lebanon,  Syria,   2.  Illuminating  Minds:  Focusing  on  spreading  awareness  about  intellectual
                               2023.  The  International  Intellectual  Property   Jordan,  and  Palestine,  the  captivating  corners   property  through  education,  creating  a  beacon  of  knowledge  accessible  to
                               Rights Conference, hosted by the Iraqi Cultural   of Europe, and the vibrant landscapes of Africa.     everyone.
                               Ministry  under  the  theme  “The  National   This  collaboration  was  far  from  an  ordinary        3.  Custodians  of  Heritage:  Emphasizing  the  importance  of  safeguarding
                               Strategy for Intellectual Property and Sustainable   gathering;  it  stood  as  a  true  melting  pot  of   the  treasures  of  cultural  heritage  and  historical  artifacts,  acknowledging  the
                               Development  in  Al-Amarah,”  transformed  the   distinct minds representing various artistic and      significance of preserving diverse cultural expressions and historical legacies.
                               city  into  a  vibrant  hub,  drawing  participants   scholarly disciplines, evolving into a harmonious   4.  Global Harmony Laws: Advocating for updating and standardizing intellectual
                               from twenty-two countries.            blend of diverse perspectives.
                                                                                                                                      property  laws  globally  to  create  a  level  playing  field  for  creators  worldwide,
                                                                                                                                      ensuring fairness and consistency in legal frameworks.
                               A Gathering of Minds: Iraqi Visionaries at the   The grand opening at the Al-Rashid Theater was        5.  Expertise at the Helm: Highlighting the importance of equipping judges and
                               Helm                                  a captivating introduction, setting the stage for                intellectual property experts with enhanced skills in the rapidly evolving digital
                               This unique global assembly was orchestrated by   an  intellectual  vision.  Aref  Al-Saadi,  Cultural   era, considered essential for effective protection.
                               the Iraqi Minister of Culture - Prof. Ahmed Fakak   Advisor in the Iraqi Government, stood among       6.  Digital Fortifications: Encouraging the use of advanced technology to shield
                               Al-Badrani - in concert with the distinguished   the  distinguished  leaders  and  luminaries  who     digital creations, recognizing the challenges posed by the digital landscape, and
                               Conference President - Prof. Alaa Abo Al-Hassan   graced  the  occasion.  Adding  to  the  cultural    aiming to fortify intellectual property in the digital realm.
                               Al-Alaak, who serve as the Director General of   richness of the event, Iraqi-Canadian filmmaker       7.  Investing in Ideas: Encouraging the world to view intellectual property not
                               the Department of Cultural Relations.   and  producer  Saaib  Ghazi  captivated  the                   merely  as  ideas  but  as  valuable  assets  worthy  of  investment,  promoting  the
                                                                     audience  with  his  remarkable  documentary,                    economic value of intellectual property.
                               The  success  of  the  event  owes  much  to  the   “Our  Beloved”.  Through  the  lens  of  his  craft,
                               dedicated  organizers,  including  the  Chairman   Ghazi  skillfully  transported  attendees  into  a   Unity as a Catalyst: A Diplomatic Overture
                               and  Members  of  the  Conference  Committee:   visual  journey  that  deepened  the  collective       The conference emphasized collaboration among people from different countries
                               Faik Al-Aboudi, Lubna Yaseen, and Hind Ismail   connection to Baghdad’s cultural narrative.            to ensure everyone has a fair chance to share their creative ideas. Participants
                               Khaleel.  Their  efforts  were  instrumental  in                                                       championed  unity  as  a  catalyst  for  positive  change,  envisioning  a  global
                               seamlessly  weaving  together  researchers  from   Another remarkable performance, the national        environment where innovation thrives on mutual understanding and respect.
                               diverse corners of the world – from the towering   folkloric  troupe,  Tru  Alaa  Majeed,  played  a

                                                                           w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h               w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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