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irak special

 Furthermore,  the  conference  host  proposed  the  idea  of  making   friendships. The ambiance resonated with joy as   rich culture and flavors. Following the conclusion of the research
 this  gathering  an  annual  event.  The  proposal  aims  to  ensure  that   we indulged in culinary delights mirroring the   presentations,  Prof.  Ahmed  Al-Fakak  Al-Badrani  -  Minister  of
 the  conference  remains  a  dynamic  platform,  staying  updated  on   richness of Baghdad’s cultural heritage.  Culture, Tourism, and Antiquities of the Republic of Iraq - took
 the  latest  developments  in  both  local  and  international  sustainable   center  stage  to  share  his  reflections  on  the  conference.  With
 development.  This  commitment  to  an  annual  gathering  reflects  the   Third Evening: Cultural Treasures  eloquent  words,  he  expressed  gratitude  to  all  the  participants,
 ongoing dedication to advancing collaboration, sharing insights, and   Our  third  adventure  began  midday  with  a   infusing the moment with warmth and appreciation. As a gesture
 collectively contributing to the progress of intellectual property and   delightful  lunch  buffet  at  the  esteemed  Al   of  thanks,  exquisite  gifts  were  bestowed  upon  the  attendees,
 sustainable development on a global scale.  Mansour Hotel, setting the stage for a culinary   creating a sense of camaraderie and appreciation for the collective
 journey  that  teased  our  taste  buds,  leaving  us   efforts.  The  festivities  continued  once  again  with  a  delightful
 Exploring Baghdad: Diary of a Journey Filled with Joy, Flavor, and   eager for the cultural treasures ahead. Although   lunch  buffet  at  the  charming  Al-Mansour  Hotel.  Amidst  the
 Culture  the initial plan to visit the Iraqi National Museum   welcoming atmosphere, participants enjoyed a diverse selection of
 Our voyage through Baghdad was more than a gathering of minds; it   faced a setback as it was closed on a Saturday,   culinary delights, adding a flavorful touch to the post-conference
 unfolded as a delightful tale of happiness and discovery. Imagine this   fate, however, had a surprise for us -- a private   celebrations.  The  hotel,  known  for  its  hospitality,  provided  the
 – each evening, as we hopped on buses, the vibrant streets of Baghdad   tour with the museum director. This unexpected   perfect setting for participants to unwind and relax.
 magically transformed into a moving celebration on wheels – Yes, you   turn  transformed  potential  disappointment
 read that right!  Music filled the air, passengers sang along, clapped   into an extraordinary adventure. The museum,   When the evening was upon us, the grand finale reached its zenith
 hands, and some couldn’t resist the rhythm, breaking into spontaneous   a  repository  of  ancient  wonders,  became  our   at the Iraqi Hunting Club, where the spotlight was on the local
 dance moves. Yes! On a bus!  This unexpected musical journey added   private gallery, unraveling chapters of civilizations   delicacy, Masgouf fish. This seafood extravaganza symbolized the
 an extra layer of joy to our exploration, turning bus rides into delightful   and the enduring spirit of the Iraqi people. The   culmination of our culinary journey through Baghdad, showcasing
 experiences filled with shared moments of music and high spirits.  journey  through  time  then  resumed  at  the   the city’s rich culinary heritage. The unique flavors and preparation
 Qishla  Building,  an  ancient  structure  silently   of  Masgouf  fish  became  a  savory  memory,  etching  itself  into
 First Evening: Al-Beiruti Café and Tahrir Square  echoing stories of triumphs and struggles, and   the taste buds of all those present. The ambiance and the shared
 Our adventure began along the peaceful banks of the Tigris River at   continued at Mutanabbi Street, aptly named the   moments captured the essence of Baghdad’s unique charm.
 the welcoming Al-Beiruti Café. Beyond an ordinary café, it unfolded   street of books. The street unfolded as a literary
 as a storyteller, sharing Baghdad’s rich heritage through each sip of   paradise, a sanctuary for book enthusiasts; each   The grand finale was not just an end to the conference; it was a
 delightful drinks and the cozy atmosphere. Al-Beiruti served as the   bookshop became a portal to diverse realms of   celebration of the rich experiences that Baghdad had unfolded for
 gateway  that  introduced  the  city’s  history.  Continuing  through  the   storytelling, where knowledge and imagination   its guests creating a lasting impression.
 bustling heart of Baghdad, Tahrir Square emerged as a living, breathing   effortlessly intertwined. Navigating this literary
 stage of the city’s history. More than just a public space, it pulsated   haven  felt  like  unlocking  the  mysteries  of  the   Gratitude: A Heartfelt Thank You to Baghdad
 with captivating stories, turning our every step into a stroll through   written words.  Our  journey  was  not  just  a  series  of  events;  it  was  a  joyous
 the archives of time. Every corner seemed to tell tales of resilience,   adventure, a tale of laughter, discovery, and the incredible flavors
 revolutions, and the spirit of liberation. As the night hit its peak, we   As the evening unfolded, we found ourselves in   that make Baghdad unique. Each moment was like a chapter in
 stopped at Sway Restaurant, a culinary haven with not just incredible   the inviting setting of the Syrian Restaurant Beit   a storybook, leaving us with delightful memories etched in our
 cuisine but also a panoramic view of Baghdad.   Halab on Yarmouk Street. More than a dining   hearts.  Baghdad,  with  its  rich  history,  warm  hospitality,  and
 spot, it was a culinary journey. The restaurant   gastronomic wonders became more than a destination – it became
 Second Evening: One Thousand and One Nights and River Tour  was not just about food; it captured the warmth   a  cherished  story  waiting  to  be  shared.  Expressing  gratitude  to
 The second evening unfolded at 1001 Nights Park, a magical land that   of  Iraqi  hospitality,  providing  not  only  a   Baghdad and the Ministry of Culture is not a mere formality but
 brought us into the legendary tales of One Thousand and One Nights.   delightful taste of local culture but also a feast   a  sincere  acknowledgment.  Baghdad’s  rich  history  and  vibrant
 Within this captivating park, a unique blend of restaurants and shops   for our senses. The restaurant’s atmosphere was   culture,  combined  with  the  Ministry’s  meticulous  planning,  left
 emerged, each seated within the grounds of one of Saddam Hussein’s   brightened  by  beautiful  music  that  gracefully   a  lifelong  mark  on  our  hearts.  This  genuine  thank  you  extends
 former palaces. Every step we took seemed to unravel a new chapter   filled the air, adding an extra layer of delight to   to  the  people  of  Baghdad  for  their  kindness,  making  our  visit
 with the park’s design and elements reflecting the richness of the classic   the overall dining experience. This harmonious   transformative and memorable.
 tales.   blend of exquisite flavors, warm hospitality, and
 musical  accompaniment  created  a  memorable   In essence, Baghdad’s global gathering and our journey beyond
 The magic continued with a river tour, offering another mesmerizing   evening that went beyond the ordinary, becoming   conference  halls  became  a  mosaic  of  ideas,  unity,  and  joy.  A
 perspective on Baghdad’s rich history. Cruising along the river, the city   a celebration of Baghdad’s unique charm.  modern-day tale of unity, creativity, and shared visions unfolded
 unveiled its stories, and the gentle flow seemed to carry whispers of   against the ancient charm of Baghdad, echoing across the pages
 time, once again echoing tales of ancient civilizations.  Culminating  in  Culinary  Bliss:  The  Grand   of international diplomacy. Here’s to Baghdad – a city that knows
 Finale        how to blend intellectual discourse with the joyous dance of flavors
 Our adventure persisted at Rest 1001 Nights -- a place exceeding the   As the curtains drew close on the enlightening   and culture!
 label of a mere restaurant. It became a sensory journey, captivating us   conference,  the  grand  finale  unfolded,  leaving
 with an exquisite blend of flavors, music, and the warmth of newfound   participants with a lasting imprint of Baghdad’s

     w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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