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P. 20

irak special

                                                                      He wasn’t very pleased because he was a very                    from this YouTube video on the Royal Game   “I’m hoping we can create a sort of
                                                                      productive  and  industrious  scholar.  When                    of Ur.
                                                                      you are a real scholar, you don’t want students.                                                       network where we’re all in it togeth-
                                                                      They are a pain in the neck, you know, they                     I  do  lots  of  videos  about  cuneiform  writing   er, so that if somebody attacks one
                                                                      take time and all that, so, he was rather hostile               and  about  objects  in  the  museum.  Lots  of
                                                                      to me.                                                          other curators do the same. It’s the best way  museum, we all come and defend the
                                                                                                                                      to  get  outside  the  building  into  the  world   attacked museum.”
                                                                      He  said,  “Well,  look,  all  right,  learn  these             at  large,  because  people  all  over  the  world
                                                                      things.  Come  in  on  Tuesday.  We’ll  have  a                 watch  YouTube,  grandmothers,  two-year-
                                                                      look.” It’s almost unique in the history of the                 olds… When they find something interesting,
                                                                      world. I read through what he told me. I went                   sometimes  they  write  comments,  which  is
                                                                      to the first class, and he put some stuff on the                interesting. They tell their friends.  in Paris in this respect and the Met in New
                                                                      board  and  we  looked  at  something.  I  knew                                                        York and St Petersburg and Berlin, the group
                                                                      then just like that, that that was my entire life’s             The  British  Museum,  when  I  joined,  was  a   of really big museums.
                                                                      work. I’d never heard of it before. It was just                 kind  of  nineteenth  century  institution  with
                                                                      fortuitous. It was like a railway line from then                suits  and  everybody  called  by  his  surname,   I’m  hoping  we  can  create  a  sort  of  network
                                                                      on that ended up in the British Museum.                         not by his first name, very proper. Over the   where  we’re  all  in  it  together,  so  that  if
                                                                                                                                      years  it’s  moved  gradually  into  the  twenty-  somebody attacks one museum, we all come
                                                                      All my friends got fellowships here for three                   first century, with the internet and YouTube   and defend the attacked museum.
                                                                      months then went to Australia for a year, and                   especially. People write remarks like, “I never
                                                                      their  wives  didn’t  want  to  go  and  children               been to the British Museum, but I think I’m   I  don’t  think  it’s  legitimate  to  argue  that
                                                                      didn’t  want  to  change  school.  In  the  end,                going to go now.” Or, “I didn’t realize that the   museums  don’t  have  a  function.  They
                                                                      they gave up. It’s so hard. I’ve had this blessed               curators  were  alive.”  And  we  even  get  rude   have  a  big  function.  Once  you  start  taking
                                                                      sunshine-filled career.                                         remarks.                               something out, whatever it is, then somebody
                                                                                                                                                                             – the Chinese, the Japanese, the Hungarians –
                               to read everything, I was happy, and I’ve been  This place is marvelous because the collections        Well,  you  know,  people  see  the  institution  not   anybody will say, “Well, if you’re giving their
                               there ever since.                      are fantastic right across the board, from all                  those who are behind it.               thing back, what about ours?” And before you
                                                                      the countries of the world, and the resources                   That is true. Actually, that can play into the   know it, you have an MPB or something.
                               How did you come into this field? After all, it’s  are marvelous. 130,000 pieces of clay! I have       museum’s need to raise money with sponsors.
                               not a common field of study.           looked at them all, but I haven’t read them all.                There’re  all  sorts  of  things  you  can  do  with   I’m interested also in fighting what I regard
                               That’s  true.  It’s  not  an  everyday  choice  for  There’s everything you can imagine. I love it     sponsors, but the real sure-fire system is to take   as destructive criticism, which is unthinking.
                               schoolchildren. I was a bit lucky! When I was  and want to tell the world outside about it.            them through a locked door behind the scenes   There are two problems with this. One is that
                               at the end of my schooling, I decided I wanted                                                         because they turn into five-year-old children   people  seem  to  have  a  very  unclear  idea  of
                               to be an Egyptologist. So, I got a grammar, the  I didn’t know about the Royal Game of Ur nor          with  their  mouths  open  because  it’s  all  so   the difference between truth and lies, because
                               famous grammar, and I read a lot of Egyptian.  cuneiform before you talked about it.                   wonderful to see. If I go to the Louvre and one   there’s so much confusion.
                               When  I  went  up  to  university,  I  was  going  When  the  museum  discovered  the  YouTube         of my colleagues takes me through a locked
                               to  do  Egyptology.  The  elderly  Egyptologist  platform, curators started to post videos there.      door, it’s the same thing, just captivating.  There  doesn’t  seem  to  be  any  rigor  about
                               professor gave one class with about 15 people  One was done on the Royal Game of Ur. We                                                       everything.  So,  people  become  indifferent.
                               or so, and the next day he dropped dead in the  didn’t do any rehearsal. We just had a model           Do you have relations with other museums?  That’s one thing. And then the other thing is
                               kitchen of his house. And that was that.  board and the pieces, and started to play. On                We  do.  Especially  now  in  the  world  where   that the museum is to do with truth. It’s not
                                                                      the video I explain the rules, and we played a                  there’s  a  lot  of  trouble  about  what’s  in   to do with the value of the object, it’s to do
                               The department head called me in and said,  game all the way through with commentary.                  museums  from  the  nineteenth  century  and   with  truth  and  what  we  know  about  things
                               “Look, it’s going to take me a long time to get  It looks like it’s a scripted piece of drama. But     all  that  send-it-back  stuff.  In  my  experience   and what we can explain about them, where
                               another  Egyptologist.  I’ll  have  to  advertise.  actually,  it  was  all  improvised  then  put  on   in Britain, most people think that the British   all people, all nations, are equal.
                               So, in the interim, there’s a man here called  YouTube. Today more than 6.9 million people             Museum is absolutely wonderful and should
                               Wilfred Lambert, and he teaches cuneiform.  have watched the video. I just cannot believe              be  left  alone.  The  politicians,  who  are  in   It’s a kind of catholic view of the achievements
                               Why not do a bit of cuneiform with him? It’d  it!  So,  they  know  about  this  game  all  over       charge of everything, see it’s a good way to get   of humankind, of the intellectual and artistic
                               be  useful.  And  then  when  the  Egyptologist  the world. For instance, when we got to the           a public reaction. But in fact, ordinary people,   achievements, which is a marvelous thing. It
                               comes, you can switch back.”           airport in Dubai, we were sitting around with                   if you ask them in a conversation, they think   has to be saluted and we have to hold on to
                                                                      our papers trying to arrange a visa, and a man                  it’s good because everything’s looked after so   it  because  there  are  so  many  terrible  things
                               So, I went and knocked on Lambert’s door and  comes up to me and says, “Hey, aren’t you the            well, and it’s free to see, and you can see all   undermining  all  this.  The  Philistines  are
                               said, “Hello, I want to learn some cuneiform.”  guy who does that game?” He recognized me              the world together. We’re a bit like the Louvre   everywhere.  I  believe  that,  like  when  they

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