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irak special

                                                                      rejection letters. It made me so angry that in the              know  that,  rather  than  take  their  aunties’   is to make regular discoveries of astonishing
                                                                      end I wrote this story to get my own back, and,                 diaries and disposed of them – you know when  things  so  that  it  gets  into  the  media.  Years
                                                                      much  to  my  amazement,  it’s  been  translated                old  ladies  die  and  people  bury  their  diaries   ago, I was invited by radio 4 BBC to do four
                                                                      into French, Livre de Poche.                                    immediately in case they’re private. But after   talks about cuneiform writing. I did the first
                                                                                                                                      a  while,  privacy  becomes  rather  irrelevant.  on Sunday afternoon, about tea time. When
                                                                      I’ve  written  three  books  about  a  lady  called             Nobody  says  you  shouldn’t  read  cuneiform   the  last  one  was  nearly  finished  and  I  was
                                                                      Miss Barbellion who’s about 78 and used to                      tablets  because  they’re  private,  when  they’re   reading it, I said, “Ooh the one thing I want
                                                                      be a missionary then thought better of it, and                  written in 2000 B.C. It’s just not relevant any   to say…” So, the producer said “Okay.” So, I
                                                                      what happened to her when she was an old lady                   more. So, I started this project, and it’s gotten   said, “When I’m prime minister, [I can see the
                                                                      when she came back to England. She moved                        bigger.  People  were  in  their  houses  for  two   producer  getting  a  bit  wiggly  on  his  chair],
                                                                      into the family house. They found a great big                   years with nothing to do. When you’re really   when I’m prime minister, we’re going to get
                                                                      doll’s  house  in  it.  All  sorts  of  adventures.  I          bored, you start tidying up the house. I said, “If   rid of time writers and computers and we’re
                                                                      wrote three books about Miss Barbellion, and                    you find these things, don’t throw them away,   going to teach cuneiform writing at the school
                                                                      I want my agent to find a publisher because the                 send them here, we’ll look after them.” They   with clay so that lots and lots of people learn
                                                                      first one was published by a small publisher                    came thick and fast, and so I’m trying to write   to read and write cuneiform so we’ll have an
                                                                      and that was the end of that, but I’ve written                  a book about it. It’s such an unending and big   army of people to come to the British Museum
                                                                      two more. So, I’m hoping.                                       subject. it’s very complicated. Then, I also have   and  work  on  all  these  documents  all  these
                                                                                                                                      one other book I’m doing, about Babylonian  hundred thirty thousand clay blocks.”
                                                                      How did you find time to do all this?                           medicine,  because  we  have  lots  and  lots  of
                               It was like an Ikea box with all the stuff inside.  Well, I used to write a lot on the bus going to    documents to do with it – gynecology, inner  That was the end of that fantasy, and it was
                               It was a round boat, a coracle, which is a guffa in  work. And when we went away on a holiday, I       pains, external things, therapy and drugs.  the end of the program. This was on Sunday.
                               Arabic. They used to use guffas on these rivers,  was hidden in the greenhouse at my parents-                                                 On Monday I’m at my desk about 11 o’clock
                               but  they  were  bigger  for  ferrying  sheep  and  in-law’s house and wrote books there. If you       I’ve  discovered  that  the  older  you  get,  the  having  a  coffee  and  reading  something,  the
                               grandmothers across the river. The one in the  write a technical one or do a serological work,         more  interesting  everything  becomes,  more   phone  rings,  and  I  hear  hello  “Dr.  Finkel,
                               Book is the size of a football pitch. We made  everything has to be perfect with the footnotes         than I’ve ever had any idea.           there’re  are  three  girls  down  here.  They’ve
                               a replica of it. There was a film of it. This book  and  the  references.  Otherwise,  people  shoot                                          come  to  join  the  cuneiform  army.”  I  went
                               has been translated into a few languages, and it’s  you  the  minute  it  comes  out.  So,  it’s  very   Do  you  have  young  students  working  with   down and there were three young ladies who
                               just been done into Arabic, which is exciting.  exacting and very tiring. If you want to write         you?                                   had heard this program and they had come to
                                                                      fiction, all you have to do is write what comes                 I do work with students when I can but we  join the army. I explained, “Well it will take
                               How  many  books  you  have  written  into your head. It’s wonderful.                                  don’t have students in the museum. That’s only   you about six years to learn this script, you’ve
                               altogether?                                                                                            in the university. I get to do a lot of lectures.   got to get to university, and you’ve got to do
                               Well, those are the two popular books. I like  What does your wife say?                                When I’m asked, I always say yes.      this and that. If you do this, the stuff that we
                               writing  about  Mesopotamia  using  ancient  She’s given up on me, really, but she’s still trying                                             have here you’ll find it marvelous.” They went
                               words and explaining what things mean for an  to  influence  me.  I  think  she’s  very  tolerant,     Do you take on interns?                away happily. One of them applied to Oxford
                               ordinary readership, real people, not scholars.  and her idea is that one day we’ll write a book       Well,  actually  we  do  have  interns  but  you  to do stereology, got in and she did a degree
                               There’s no point in writing a book for scholars.  that’ll  be  a  best  seller  which  makes  a  lot  of   have to be very careful because some interns  in stereology got a first-class degree, stayed on
                               I’ve done two books like that, and then I’ve  money!                                                   are lazy and some of them are careless. Some   and did a PhD in stereology. She is now in the
                               written  some  novels,  children’s  books,  some                                                       don’t turn up, and most of them don’t know   field.  So that throwaway remark, one seed in
                               complex, a serological.                So what is your next project?                                   anything  at  all  so,  by  the  time  you  explain   the furrow, bore fruit.
                                                                      I’m writing a big book about this Royal Game                    what you want them to do, you might as well
                               I write all sorts of things. I have an agent who  of  Ur.  About  20  years  ago,  I  had  an  idea  to   just do it yourself.                Leaving Dr Finkel to his occupations, we were
                               despairs of me because he wants me to write  start a rescue project for manuscript diaries                                                    happy  and  determined  to  find  this  game,  the
                               the same book eight times so he knows what  because people in Britain for many centuries               It’s  a  pity  because  if  you  don’t  have  anyone   Royal Game of Ur that even the guards on the
                               it is. One of my favorite things is to wrote a  have been regular diarists. When people die            who can follow up your work, the day that you   Holy  cities  in  Mesopotania  played  while  they
                               book called The Last Resort Library. It’s about  their diaries are usually thrown away. I thought      are no longer there, what will happen?   were on duty. The only place you can find it is
                               somebody  who  creates  a  library  to  rescue  this is terrible and that we should try to do          I  mean  there  are  always  going  to  be  people   at the British Museum’s website
                               books,  articles,  poetry  and  fiction  that  have  something  about  it.  So,  I  started  collecting   who’ve done a bit of stuff at university. When I
                               been rejected by publishers or by agents. If you  diaries  and  then  publicizing  it.  Then  there’s   was a student it was on the way up, and as I say
                               wanted to leave manuscripts to this library you  an  old  library  in  London  which  has  taken       now in the universities it’s on the way down.
                               had to have rejection letters to go with them.  this  on  and  has  more  than  14,000  diaries
                               It’s a fictional idea because I wrote quite a lot of  from  nineteenth,  twentieth  and  twenty-first   Do you think it can come up again?
                               books, quite a lot of things and got all sorts of  centuries. Some are even older. When people         There are lots of ways it could. One of them

                                                                           w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h               w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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