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irak special

 “Ur profited from its location as

 the city closest to the entrance of
 the Arabian Gulf. Archaeological
 including  the  ziggurat,  were  rebuilt,  and   was no longer inhabited after about 500 BCE
 research shows that Ur was the most   agriculture was improved through irrigation.   by  which  time  Babylonia  had  fallen  to  the
 important port on the Gulf,   His  code  of  laws,  the  Code  or  Ur-Nammu,   Persian  Achaemenid  Empire.The  demise  of
 is one of the oldest such documents known,   Ur was perhaps owing to drought, changing
 which extended much further   preceding  the  code  of  Hammurabi  by  300   river patterns, and the silting of the outlet to
 inland than it does today.”  years.  In  the  Ur  III  period  Ur  was  a  capital   the Gulf. The city with five thousand years of
 of the vast territorial state that extended far   history was deserted.
 north and east, reaching Syria and the Zagros
 mountains, exercising influence deep into the   Excavations
 Iranian  Plateau.  The  Ur  III  administration   In  1625,  the  site  was  visited  by  Pietro  della
 moving supplies up and down the Euphrates.  was  the  most  centralized  bureaucratic  state   Valle,  who  recorded  the  presence  of  ancient
 Ur was situated at the edge of great marshes,  the  world  had  yet  known  and  used  written   bricks  stamped  with  strange  symbols,
 compared to “a bull standing in the wet reeds”  records  on  an  unprecedented  scale;  more   cemented  together  with  bitumen,  as  well  as
 in the Enheduanna’s Temple hymns. The city’s  than  80  000  cuneiform  tablets  have  been   inscribed pieces of black marble that appeared
 location  and  strong  bounds  to  the  wetland  uncovered to date, giving unique insights into   to be seals. The site was first excavated in 1853
 environment  are  repeatedly  mentioned  in  ancient  economy  and  society.  The  literature   and 1854 by John G. Taylor, British vice consul
 the Sumerian texts, such as the hymn to Ur-  also flourished in this period, with numerous   at Al Basrah from 1851 to 1859. He worked on
 Namma, the hymn for Rim-sin mentioning the  compositions related to the kings of the Third   behalf of the British Museum. All about the
 temple of Ekishnugal in Ur or the hymn to the  Dynasty,  particularly  Ur-Nammu  and  his   city he found abundant remains of burials of
 chief god of Ur-Nanna-Suen. Ur profited from  son  Shulgi,  who  were  deified  during  their   later periods. Apparently, in later times, owing
 its location as the city closest to the entrance  reigns.  The  Ur  Empire  continued  through   to its sanctity, Ur became a favorite place of
 of the Arabian Gulf. Archaeological research  the  reigns  of  three  more  kings:  Amar-Sin,   sepulchers,  so  that  even  after  it  had  ceased
 shows that Ur was the most important port on  Shu-Sin,  and  Ibbi-Sin.  It  fell  around  1940   to be inhabited, it continued to be used as a
 the Gulf, which extended much further inland  BCE  to  the  Elamites.  Historical  narratives   necropolis.  After  Taylor’s  time  the  site  was
 than it does today. All the wealth which came  of  the  Mesopotamian  societies  of  Assyria   visited  by  numerous  travelers.  After  some
 to Mesopotamia by sea had to pass through  and  Babylonia  kept  names,  events,  and   soundings  were  made  in  1918  by  Reginald
 Ur. Ur emerged as a key player in the political  mythologies of Ur in remembrance. The city   Campbell Thompson, H. R. Hill worked the
 life  of  the  southern  city-state  system  during  came to be ruled by the first dynasty (Amorite)   site for one season for the British Museum in
 the period of the First Ur Dynasty (2670 BCE)  of  Babylonia  which  rose  to  prominence  in   1919, laying the groundwork for more extensive   Near the ziggurat several temples, residences
 when  it  became  one  of  the  most  important  southern  Mesopotamia  in  the  18th  century   efforts  to  follow.  Excavations  from  1922  to   and  public  building  were  also  uncovered.
 and  wealthy  cities  under  king  Mesanepada.  BCE. After the fall of Hammurabi’s short lived   1934 were funded by the British Museum and   Excavations  were  also  made  continued  the
 The excavated artifacts from the Royal Tombs  Babylonian Empire, it later became a part of   the University of Pennsylvania and led by the   royal  tombs  layer:  a  3.5  m.  thick  layer  of
 of Ur (First Dynasty of Ur, c. 2600 BCE) can  the  native  Akkadian  ruled  Sealand  Dynasty   archaeologist Sir Charles Leonard Woolley.A   alluvial  clay  covered  the  remains  of  earlier
 be  considered  as  emblematic  of  the  wealth,  for over 270 years, and was reconquered into   total of about 1,850 burials were uncovered,   habitation,  including  pottery  from  the  Late
 power,  and  sophistication  of  the  Sumerian  Babylonia by the successors of the Amorites,   including  16  that  were  described  as  “royal   Ubaid period. Woolley later published several
 civilization. They provide very early evidence  the Kassites in the 16th century BCE. During   tombs”  containing  many  valuable  artifacts,   articles and books about the discoveries.
 for  the  international  exchange  of  semi-  the  Kassite  Dynastic  period  Ur  came  under   including the Standard of Ur.
 precious stones and metals from as far away  sporadic control of the Elamites and Middle   Archaeologists  have  discovered  evidence
 as India and Afghanistan on an institutional  Assyrian  Empire.  The  city  fell  to  the  north   The  most  significant  scientific  excavations   of a prehistoric occupation at Ur during the
 scale.  Mesopotamian  Assyrian  Empire  from  the   were  conducted  at  Ur  from  1922  to  1934   Late Ubaid period (c. 4000 BCE). These early
 10th to late 7th centuries BCE. From the end   funded  by  the  British  Museum  and  the   levels were sealed off with a sterile deposit that
 Further history of Ur  of the 7th century BCE Ur was ruled by the   University  of  Pennsylvania  and  led  by  Sir   was interpreted by excavators of the 1920s as
 Ur came under the control of the Akkadian  so-called Chaldean Dynasty of Babylon. In the   Charles  Leonard  Woolley.  A  total  of  about   evidence for the Great Flood of the Book of
 Empire founded by Sargon the Great between  6th century BCE there was new construction   1,850  burials  were  uncovered,  including   Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh. It is now
 the 24th and 22nd centuries BCE. The Third  in Ur under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar II of   sixteen that were described as “royal tombs”   understood  that  the  south  Mesopotamian
 Dynasty of Ur was established when the king  Babylon. The last Babylonian king, Nabonidus,   containing  many  valuable  artifacts.  Most  of   plain was exposed to regular floods from the
 Ur- Nammu came to power between c. 2047  improved  the  ziggurat.  However  the  city   the royal tombs were dated to about 2600 BCE.   Euphrates and the Tigris, with heavy erosion
 BCE and 2030 BCE. During his rule, temples,  started to decline from around 550 BCE and   from water and wind. Ur is recorded in written

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