Page 33 - Diva_3_2024_Irak Special_
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 international                                          international

               of my work. Privacy is a crucial aspect of my  Additionally,  I’ve  recently  finished  a  large
               artistic  endeavors,  as  each  painting  I  create  is  painting  measuring  2  meters  by  2  meters,
               unique and never replicated. Notably, my name  which the Iraqi government and the Ministry
 A rising star in the art world  and one of my artworks have become part of the  of Culture plan to present as a gift to a United
               cultural heritage of the Swiss city of Lausanne, a  Nations office in Geneva.
 Interview with   place that holds deep significance for me.    Your country of origin, Iraq, has experienced

 Faik Al-Aboudi  When  we  look  at  your  art,  we  see  a  mix  of  numerous  challenges  in  the  last  40  years.
               modernity and ancient times. What role does  What  role  do  you  think  art  can  play  in  the
 painter and designer  the  historical  Babylonian/Mesopotamian  “new Iraq”?
               heritage play in your art?             Through my art and exhibitions, I aim to initiate
               Hailing  from  a  country  with  a  civilization  meaningful dialogues with audiences about the
 He  was  born  in  Baghdad,  and  has  lived  in  that I make appear ancient to help create the   spanning millennia, I take pride in the ancient  nature of my work and Iraq’s ancient history.
 Switzerland  since  1999.  Faik  is  a  talented  image of a long-forgotten time”.  culture  that  has  contributed  to  humanity’s  This inevitably leads to discussions about the
 artist  who  has  received  several  international     knowledge of writing, music, art and law. The  challenges and wars that Iraq has faced, as well
 distinctions  for  his  art work,  among  them the  Could you tell us a little about your background   rich history of these civilizations serves as an  as the current political landscape. As an artist, I
 Italian  Arts  Academy’s  silver  medal and  as an Iraqi-Swiss artist?  endless source of inspiration, influencing my  see myself as an ambassador of love and peace
 multiple appreciation certificates.  I  am  an  Iraqi-Swiss  artist,  specializing  in   art  by  seamlessly  blending  ancient  themes  for  Iraq,  tasked  with  clarifying  perspectives
    painting and design. In 1999, I sought refuge   with  a  contemporary  touch.  It’s  a  beautiful  and  dispelling  misconceptions  perpetuated
 As he often says himself, “I’m from the country  in  Switzerland,  escaping  the  oppressive   fusion of the old and the new, connecting the  by biased or malicious media. I am optimistic
 of  the  east,  the  country  of  sun,  light,  colors,  regime  of  Saddam  Hussein.  Switzerland  not   past with the present.  about Iraq’s recovery and its swift progress.
 history and the stories of a thousand and one  only  provided  a  safe  haven  for  me  but  also
 nights. With a burning passion for exploration,  welcomed my three children, Laith, Loubna,   You obviously have a very busy life with several  Finally, what are your future plans beyond the
 I  love  paint  and  its  smell.  I  love  colors  and  and Louai. I am deeply grateful to this country,   exhibits a year. Could you tell us a little more  new projects you just mentioned?
 I  enjoy  playing  with  it  on  the  fabric  of  my  and today, I proudly hold Swiss nationality.  about your new projects?  My wife and I have been discussing an exciting
 paintings. Sometimes it’s a canvas, other times     Indeed,  I  have  successfully  completed  32  idea, and I am eager to bring it to fruition—
 paper  and  even  wood.  In  my  childhood  I  What in your long and impressive international   solo  art  exhibitions  held  across  various  venturing into the world of fashion. Perhaps
 stood tall in front of clay and stone sculptures  career,  with  its  multitude  of  shows,  has   countries, with Switzerland being a prominent  in the near future, we will introduce this as
 that  were  made  by  my  Sumerian  ancestors  provided  you  with  a  huge  particular  and   host. Currently, I am immersed in preparations  another form of art that can enrich our lives.
 which today provide me with the treasure of  personal satisfaction?  for a new exhibition scheduled for the sixth  Thank you for this engaging conversation and
 inspiration,  ancient  symbols  of  an  extinct  The  global  reach  of  my  artistic  paintings  to   month of 2024 at the Egyptian Opera House.  the wonderful opportunity to share my story.
 world still living  today.  I  use  layers  of  paint  various countries attests to the profound impact

     w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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