Page 37 - Diva_3_2024_Irak Special_
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and  deeply  engaged  in  art,  poetry,  journalism,   It  is  a  living  relic  that  has  captured  the  spirit
               academia,  music,  history,  law,  and  various   of  bygone  times  and  carries  within  its  walls
               cultural arenas, were invited by the Iraqi Ministry   the  echoes  of  countless  discussions  spanning
               of Culture to share perspectives on Intellectual   politics,  philosophy,  film,  poetry,  and  art.
               Property Rights and Sustainable Development.  Every  cup  provides  a  reminder  of  the  distinct
               The  five-day  journey  in  Baghdad  was  more   spectrum  within  the  coffee  sphere  -from  the
               than  an  intellectual  exploration;  it  was  an   fast pace of contemporary America to the calm
               immersion  in  the  city’s  allure.  Amidst  the   contemplative spirit of Baghdad.
               historic grandeur, the timeless cafés stood as
               havens  of  peace,  and  unlike  the  caffeinated   Sitting  here  at  the  intersection  of  these  two
               whirlwind  of  the  United  States,  these   worlds,  I  reflect  on  the  intricate  ways  coffee
               establishments  extended  an  invitation  to  sit,   culture  has  merged  itself  into  the  very  fabric
               relax, and engage. In Baghdad, coffee was not   of  societies.  I  find  myself  having  a  deep
               just a beverage; it was a medium for connection   appreciation for the enduring nature of coffee,
               and contemplation.                     a  beverage  that  perfectly  adapts  to  the  pulse
                                                      of  the  moment  while  preserving  the  timeless
               Inside  the  cafés,  the  air  resonated  with  lively   essence  of  shared  moments  and  meaningful
               conversations, which harmonized with the aroma   conversations. As the aroma wraps around me, I
               of finely brewed coffee, creating an environment   am reminded that beyond the hustle and bustle,
               that  challenged  the  passages  of  time  -each   coffee  remains  a  universal  bridge,  connecting
               cup  whispered  tales  of  intellectual  exchanges   different cultures and histories in a symphony of
               that  transcended  times.  It  gave  me  a  poignant   shared experiences.
               reminder  that  the  world  of  coffee  involves  a
               spectrum  -from  the  hurried  pace  of  modern
               America to the peaceful reflective Baghdad.

               Nestled  in  the  heart  of  Baghdad,  stands  the
 Bridging Worlds  Shabandar  Café  -an  ancient  haven  of  warmth
               and  culture.  Its  presence  on  Al-Mutanabbi
 A Symphony of Coffee Culture from   Street, in the city’s historic cultural oasis, renders
               it not just a café but a bridge to a bygone era. As
 Baghdad to the Bustle of America  I reminisce, I can still feel the admiration I had
               when I stepped through the doors at Shabandar
               Café, and I still smell the captivating aroma of
 By Marianne Rothmann - Cultural Communicator  coffee mixed with the unique hot lemon tea and
               shisha smoke.

 I find myself sitting at a table at one of America’s   coffee shops have become the story in which the   Inside this beautiful café, the leather and wood
 coffee giants taking in the senses of modern coffee   constant motion of a society unfolds.  seating acts as a remembrance of the countless
 culture. The air is filled with the strong smell of   stories,  conversations,  and  shared  moments
 freshly brewed coffee, and the atmosphere has   Coffee in the United States has turned into more   that have taken place. Tables with antique brass
 the  energy  of  a  society  that  is  constantly  on   than  just  a  beverage.  It  signifies  awakening,   decanters and aged samovars, stand as keepers
 the move. The coffee shop is full of customers   vigilance,  and  the  necessary  energy  needed  to   of a tradition that has endured the ages, and the
 holding on to their tall, medium, and grande on-  navigate the intensity of a busy day -advertising   walls adorned with portraits of Ottoman Pashas,
 the-go cups. It paints a picture of the relentless   reflects this sentiment as well, portraying coffee   King  Faisal  II,  and  Iraqi  Poets  are  not  just
 pace of American life.  as the magical elixir that boosts productivity and   decorations but reminders of the past telling a
 pushes individuals through their daily routines.  story of the rich cultures that have come together
 As I watch, I am struck by the vibrant scene before   My  gaze  wanders,  and  suddenly  I  am  moved   within these walls.
 me -an American culture that thrives on speed and   to another time, another place -the captivating
 quantity. Here, coffee goes beyond just a morning   cafés of Baghdad. Memories unfold and I recall   Fete des sciences
               Shabandar Café is a place filled with a nostalgic
 ritual; it is a steady companion in the never-ending   a unique experience where I and representatives   charm, a gentle sign that in this modern world
 race against time. With sleek and modern insides,   from different corners of the world, all famously   there exist sanctuaries where the past remains.

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