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I began hiring other artists and move to a larger   paint the forgotten ones in society?
               space. This program is still functioning today.  It’s complex, there is not a simple single reason. I’ll
                                                      refer to an artist and good friend Sarah Schuster,
               You  are  an  American  artist,  teaching  art  to   who wrote about my work.  She captured how I
               young students in a well-known art institution   feel. She wrote that I learned to use my tools as an
               in  Singapore.  It  is  quite  an  unusual  career   1 artist to chip away at the boundaries that society
               path. How did it come about?           erects stratifying class, sexuality and economics
               I’m American of Irish heritage and have an Irish   to assure power to some and powerlessness and
               citizenship  too.  I  never  meant  to  get  the  job   lack of agency to others (Schuster, S. 2019)
               in  Singapore.  In  2005  I  was  about  to  graduate
               with my Masters in Fine Art when I was on the   I’ll refer back to that first trip to Indonesia. One
               web and saw an article about the first art degree   of  the  families  I  visited  had  fourteen  brothers
               program  in  Singapore.  Curious,  I  decided  to   and sisters. I noticed that the oldest and darkest
               take a look. I probably looked because I was no   skinned brother would not enter a room in the
               stranger to Southeast Asia. When I was 20 living   house if I was there.  The whole family would
               in  New  York  City,  I  was  attending  art  school   watch  TV  at  night.  As  we  all  sat,  gathered  in
               during the day  and waiting tables at a private arts   the  room,  the  older  brother  would  sit  outside
    Photo Credit: Roshni Sonkar 2023  jumped ship from a Dutch cruise lines in the New   uncomfortable.  I  knew  I  had  to  change  this
               club at night. At that time the kitchen staff and
                                                      watching  through  the  window  just  behind  my
               wait staff were Indonesians. Many of them had
                                                      head.  This  confused  me  and  made  me  very
               York harbour. Needless to say they were working
               “under the table”. I was very impressed with the
               men,  who  were  very  smart,  and  hard  working.
                                                      The father was eighty nine years old and was the
               I admired their sense of humor, very funny yet
                                                      spiritual leader of the community in Bandung
               never  laughing  at  someone  in  a  hurtful  way.
                                                      Indonesia.  People  came  to  the  house  to  have
               They always gave me a new perspective. This was
               before  all  of  the  digital  communications.  These
                                                      because his son in New York told me that his
               were the days of “travellers Checks”. Therefore it   their dreams read. I thought he was remarkable
                                                      father said to him when he came of age, that he
 Joan Marie Kelly, artist, social   was difficult to send money back home to their   was not to learn the traditional martial arts, he
               families. So I said I would go for them. I wanted to   was to go to college. His weapon was his smile.
 anthropologist, ethnologist and an activist  see Indonesia. Armed with a few phone numbers,   I am still stunned that a man in the middle of
               addresses, envelopes of letters, money and photos,   Java in 1983 could have the vision to see how the
               I  went  down  the  island  of  Java  and  met  these   world was changing but more than that the ability
 Joan  Marie  Kelly  is  a  talented  artist  with  a  big   their own path without the restrains of family   impressive loving families, bringing the news of   to accept and adapt from cultural traditions to
 heart.  She  is  socially  engaged  and  like  to  help   pressure  to  meet  certain  ideals.  This  situation   what life is like in New York for their sons.  an unfamiliar  changing world. Today it’s a rare
 others either it’s through her social engagement,   gave me the ability to look around myself and   person who has the skills to accept change and
 her teaching or simply through her artwork. We   utilize my resources.   That  day  before  graduation  when  I  saw  the   adapt.
 had a chance to meet with her, and ask her many   article  of  the  new  art  school,  I  took  a  look  at
 questions. Now we will leave the floor to Ms Kelly   One of the most fulfilling things I accomplished   the  curriculum.  To  my  shock  this  was  an  art   I  had  to  solve  the  situation  of  this  darker  son
 and you will learn more about this talented artist.   in my life happened in this way. I walked into   school  with  no  drawing  courses.  I  decided  to   sitting outside while I was in the room. I decided
 a  long-term  care  medical  facility  in  Baltimore   write  them  a  letter  just  to  give  them  a  piece   to ask the father if I could paint his portrait. He
 You  are  a  woman  of  many  talents.  Could  you   USA,  to  drop  off  sketches  for  a  mural  I  was   of my mind. Drawing is the basis of all visual   said yes. It was a small life sized portrait of only
 please tell us a little about yourself?  commissioned  to  do  in  a  nurse’s  home.  I  was   communication…my  letter  went  on.  I  pushed   his face but I was lucky it was one of those times
 Thank you for this complement. I’m a product   surprised  to  see  so  many  people  around  the   send, and forgot about the letter. About a month   when  everything  fell  into  place  perfectly.  The
 of the changing society in which I grew up.  As   perimeter  of  hallways  slumped  over  in  wheel   later I received an email from the School of Art   father never spoke to me except for when I told
 a young person I lived in the USA during the   chairs. I went back the next day, gathered about   Design  and  Media  at  Nanyang  Technological   him I was finished. He came around to the front
 changing roles of women which led to almost all   10 persons in a hallway and gave them each a   University  inviting  me  to  apply  for  a  position   of the painting for the first time, looked at it and
 of my friends parents to divorce including mine.   piece of clay. I taught them simple hand-building   teaching drawing. I was in Singapore two months   said I’m the Grandfather and I’m eighty-nine years
 Because women forging new pathways and single   techniques.  If  the  work  told  a  story,  such  as   later doing exactly that.  old, in Bahasa Indonesian. The family contacted
 parent homes were so new, none of our parents   asking them to make a piece that answered the   me years later to say Ian had died and for the lack
 were able to handle this well. But this situation   question,  what  is  home,  I  could  get  publicity.   When we look at your artwork, we feel that you   of a photo my painting was use in a procession at
 created very independent people who sought out   With publicity I got funding. From the hallway   are a socially engaged artist. Why do you like to   the funeral where 3000 persons attended.

               w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
  0  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  w w  w . d i  v a  i n  t  e  r  n  a t  i o  n  a l  .  c  h
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