Page 44 - Diva_3_2024_Irak Special_
P. 44

Fifteen  years  ago  all  the  women  were  living               many  roles.  The  artists  is  the  sense  maker,
                                                                     there. These young women don’t live their but                    the  conscious  of  society.  The  one  to  seek
                                                                     choose that sex work is the best thing they can                  beauty.  The  one  to  ask  hard  questions  and
                                                                     do with their means and situation. That I found                  make  disparate  connections.  The  artist
                                                                     frightening. I really enjoyed seeing all the women               creates  engagement  between  people  where
                                                                     again. They all remembered me and asked if I’ll                  there is no social or physical infrastructure to
                                                                     come back in another 10 years and paint them                     communicate.
                                                                     again. It was touching. They had photographs of
                                                                     me and I of them. They showed me pictures of                     You were invited to take part in a conference in
                                                                     me with their children and now introduced me                     Baghdad, Iraq, recently. What do you consider
                                                                     to that same son’s wife.                                         the main outcome on a personal level?
                                                                                                                                      An  American  doesn’t  take  an  invitation  to
                                                                     For me going into a brothel in Kolkata India was                 Iraq lightly. I carry a deep sense of remorse
                                                                     a very foreign concept and place in every way. As                for the actions my homeland has imposed on
                                                                     the women spoke and Malu interpreted I shocked                   the  Iraqi  people  and  their  land  yet  I  would
                                                                     as to the way they framed their experiences. Sex                 not know there was that history between us
                                                                     being  such  a  different  experience  of  exchange              from how welcomed I felt the entire week of
                                                                     for my life. I had to  figuratively wash out my                  the  conference.  I  found  the  Arab  people  so
                                                                     cultural conceptions and experiences about sex                   inclusive  and  warm.  The  amazing  thing  is
                                                                     and intimacy as I tried to understand how they                   they party, dance and have lots of fun without
                                                                     felt and made decisions. I was very interested.                  any alcohol. Spiritually, I felt they are a very
                                                                     I  wanted  to  understanding  and  be  able  to  see             healthy people.
                                                                     from their point of view as much as possible. The
                                                                     women were direct. If you’re going to be raped                   I was glad for the opportunity to hear so many
                                                                     everyday by a husband you might as well be paid                  points of view from people I don’t often get
                                                                     for it. It’s reasoning such as this that jolted me               direct contact with and I was happy to share
                                                                     into the world of these women.                                   my work of drawing and storytelling as tools to
                                                                                                                                      address trauma due to environmental disaster.
                                                                     Do  you  think  that  art is being forgotten or  at              Through  language  and  cultural  differences
                                                                     least  neglected in  our  modern  societies,  and  if            the  people  at  the  conference  put  effort  into
                                                                     yes, what should the role of an artist be in your                reaching out across all of these barriers.
                                                                     opinion?                                                                                                   2016 I had the opportunity to create an art program in a girls prison
                                                                     There are still people making art but it is being                Finally, if you have a message to our readers   in Morocco for girls 9-18 years old. I witnessed the transformative
                                                                     neglected in the way that society is not making                  what would that be?                       power art making could give to the girls.  The work creating a new
                                                                     a  pathway  for  artists  to  survive.  The  cost  of            It’s very difficult to make assumptions about   identity for the girls to see themselves as artist instead of the bad
                                                                     living is too high everywhere. It used to be that                people.                                   girl in prison. This lead me to study under Dr Richard Mollica at
                                                                     an artist could “live between the cracks.” If they                                                         Harvard University Global Mental Health: Trauma and Recovery
                                                                     didn’t need too many material goods they could                                                             Certificate  Program  and  York  University’s  Summer  Course  in
                                                                     lead  a  modest  life  and  make  art.  Now  to  pay                                                       Refugees and Forced Migration. From there I began working to
                                                                     the rent, one must have a corporate job. Young                                                             Visualize the Impacts of Shock & Collective Trauma by developing
                                                                     people see that they can’t make ends meet being                                                            trauma-informed  art  making  and  storytelling  workshops  for
                                                                     an artist therefore the enrolment in art schools                                                           earthquake survivors in Türkiye. Along with a team from Balikesir
                                                                     has dropped off considerably in the USA. Many                                                              University and support from the Balikesir Municipality we created
                                                                     degree programs have closed and others merged                                                              a series of storytelling workshops in the summer of 2023. Over the
                                                                     with  universities  in  the  vicinity.  This  state  has                                                   years of experienced I’ve refined a developmental process using
                                                                     narrowed  the  pathways  in  which  an  artist  can                                                        drawing and stories to create a safe and empowering space where
                                                                     led their lives.                                                                                           people, irrespective of their backgrounds or previous engagement
                                                                                                                                                                                in art, can explore their personal narratives and find strength in
                                                                     I  think  this  has  caused  widespread  depression                                                        self-expression. I hope to continue to have new opportunities to
                                                                     in young people because they see very few ways                                                             develop this direction and contribute to the lives of individuals
                                                                     they can lead a life with an alternative narrative.                                                        affected by trauma by being a catalyst for hope and recovery.
                                                                     There  is  need  for  artists  in  society  to  take  on

                                                                           w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h               w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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