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where  my  drawings  complement  and  enhance
 the storytelling elements of written works.

 You also write. What exactly do you do in this
 My writing is deeply rooted in a commitment to
 shedding light on the experiences of marginalised
 and  oppressed  individuals.  This  passion  stems
 from  a  personal  journey  with  injustice  that
 began in my early years when I witnessed a child
 being  heavily  bullied.  The  profound  sense  of
 helplessness that accompanied that moment left
 an indelible mark on me, serving as a catalyst
 for my dedication to focusing on the voices of
 those who often get ignored. Predominantly, I
 focus on the stories of the poor, the oppressed,
 and the marginalised. I strive to bring attention
 to  their  struggles,  emphasising  the  challenges
 they face in securing the basic human right to
 live a dignified life. Through my words, I seek
 to create a platform for their narratives, allowing
 their stories to resonate and, hopefully, inspire
 positive change.

 This commitment to social justice and advocacy
 is a thread that runs through my literary works,
 discussing narratives that challenge social norms
 and  call  for  an  equitable  and  compassionate

 What about your own art? Could you tell us a little more about it?  Do you have upcoming events?
 My personal art particularly focuses on portraying faces using vibrant   I  have  a  personal  exhibition  planned  in
 colours. The visual aspect of art has always been a compelling medium   Switzerland  soon,  offering  an  international
 for me. Beyond local showcases, my art has reached an international   platform  for  my  art.  Additionally,  I’m  in  the
 audience through participation in the China Biennale and the National   early stages of writing a new collection of short
 Museum in China, Beijing, as well as the South Korea Biennale. These   stories,  continuing  my  exploration  of  diverse
 opportunities have not only allowed me to share my artistic vision on   narratives.  Meet  Dr SAAIB GHAZI
 a global scale but have also exposed me to diverse perspectives and
 artistic influences.  Finally,  if  you  have  a  message  to  our  readers,                           - an outstanding Iraqi Canadian Filmmaker
    what would that be?
 Drawing, for me, serves as a deeply personal outlet, distinct from what    To your readers, I would like to convey a simple
 writing  provides.  The  act  of  creating  visual  arts  allows  me  another   yet important message. In my perspective, our
 significant form of self-expression. Art is where colours, shapes, and   life’s mission is to leave a positive impact. If, in
 forms come together to convey a spectrum of emotions and ideas. In   any small way, we can lift someone up or improve   He is a man of many talents – he writes and makes   for them, and take your time watching them, they
 my work, I often explore the theme of faces, which take on various   the  lives  of  any  living  being,  we  are  actively   films, in addition to his other activities – sharing   are worth it – and worth watching again. We were
 manifestations – at times resembling masks, at other times capturing   combating the ugliness in the world. Each act of   his  passion  for  the  7the  art,  the  cinema,  with   lucky to meet this highly articulate man and ask
 raw expressions.  kindness, no matter how modest, contributes to   students both in Iraq and elsewhere. If you have   him about his art.
    a collective effort in making the world a better   a chance to meet Dr Ghazi the first thing you will
 An  interesting  facet  of  my  artistic  journey  is  the  demand  for  my   place. Let’s strive to leave a positive mark and   notice is that he has a big and generous heart. You
 drawings  from  fellow  writers  who  have  sought  my  artwork  for   inspire change wherever we go.  can feel in his films his kindness and empathy.   You  are  a  filmmaker  and  a  writer  from  Iraq,
 their  book  covers.  This  interplay  between  visual  and  literary  arts   He has made many films, some of which you can   living in Canada. Could you tell us a little about
 underscores  the  interconnectedness  of  forms  of  creative  expression,   yourself, especially your background in art, and
                                watch on Youtube, and he continues to do so. Look   your art?

     w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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