Page 39 - DIVA_1_2009
P. 39

dous farewell present. Due   the local concert. You can   choir. I'm sure you noticed   touch. It created a lot of
           to my new position, I was   say that it became as much   Cato the postman, Aso the   friendship, and I have just
           unable to continue to  my project as anybody      Kurd, Olav the young disab-  heard that they meet once a
           conduct the Ensemble96,   else's, and the TV crew just   led person, etc. It was a tre-  month, at a pub called
           but they are still around and   followed my ideas and   mendous challenge, but at   Rudolf.
            they are doing very well.   edited it.           the same time extremely
                                                             rewarding.              I was very impressed over
            0: Could you  tell  us   The main goal was to go on                      the progress of the choir,
            something about the     a musical journey, while the   Q: Did the choir conti-  and the final concert with
            S i n g i n g  final goal is to end up with      nue after the program-  the Oslo Philharmonic
            Neighbourhood?          classical music. Stovner was   me?               Orchestra was something
                                    chosen for its diversity. It's                   really outstanding  	and
            It was the Norwegian    an area with more than   They wanted to continue   very emotional.
            National TV channel NRK   30,000 inhabitants coming   with me as conductor, but
            that asked me if I would be   from all over the world, and   unfortunately I do not have   Leaving Oystein with his
            interested in this challenge.   it has suffered from a bad   enough time to do so.   different endeavours, we
            The programme was based   reputation. We wanted to   However, a lot of them have   only hope that some of our
            on a TV series shown on   show people that it is long   kept in touch and, not long   readers would also be inspi-
            Channel  5  in the United   journey from Stovner to the   ago, Olav the guy with cere-  red by the positive message
            Kingdom, called the  Concert Hall not geogra-    bral palsy turned 40, and lot   nothing is really impossi-
            Singing Estate. NRK bought   phically, but socio-cultural-  of the singers including   ble if you really want it
            the rights and we adapted it.   ly.              myself participated in his
            I added my ideas on how to                       birthday party. This summer
            develop it: go on a trip to   We were quite fortunate to   we gathered for a barbecue   http :t/www.  oysteinfe-
            Paris; visit the Paris Opera; a   have some very nice and   party at my summer  yang, no
            concert at the Oslo Stadium;   touching characters in the   house— so we do keep in

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                                                                                                 1 2009 Diva 37

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