Page 37 - DIVA_1_2009
P. 37

enabling these youngsters to continue   are telling you about my country!' I   sending me e-mails, encouraging him
            going to school.' Up to date, he has   feel I have to promote the image of my   and telling me that they are proud
            collected 200 bikes, and once he has   country and that our tourism potential   about what he has achieved. He serves
            got 500 they will be shipped to   should be known all over the world."   as a source of inspiration. However,
            Ethiopia. In Bern, the police officers                         it's not only in Ethiopia that people
            have already given him bikes for his   "As an Ethiopian I feel very sad when   have been inspired ... young people
            project and they will continue doing   I hear that people in my county are   elsewhere in Asia, the USA, the rest of
            SO.                            starving. If I had the chance to change   Africa.
                                           that, I would do a lot of things."
            Once back home, he will prepare an                             If you feel like learning more about his
            exhibition to share his experience. He   "As the young generation, we have to   trip (and if you have a bicycle to
            will invite diplomats, government offi-  do something for our country -- contri-  contribute), you can find more infor-
            cials and other interested persons to   bute to change and not only think   mation on www.incredible-
            attend. They will learn that one person   about ourselves. My grandfather   and you can contact
            can really make a difference, without   fought against the Italian invasion; he   Ginnay
            spending lots of money.        taught me a lot. Today, foreign aid and
                                           foreigners come to us like baby-sitters
            Then he will start to plan for the next   to do things for us, as if we were inca-
            bicycle trip -- to Canada and the   pable and did not know how to deve-
            United States!                 lop our own county. It drives me mad!
                                           Increased tourism would create jobs
            "I have realized how little the rest of   and bring foreign currency to the
            the world knows about Ethiopia. What   country, and that's a field where I
            they know is only the negative issues.   would like to continue working, either
            This is the fault of misappropriate   in developing programmes for
            coverage by Western media about the   Ethiopian tourism or working for the
            country's poverty. I realize that the   Ministry of Tourism. To work as an
            world still has a wrong perception   Ethiopian who shows concern about
            about the real image of Ethiopia. Who   our history, culture, nature, wild life
            is responsible for this, I ask myself?   that's my wish!
            Everybody can say its the govern-
            ment, or the Europeans, or the media   It could be said that he has succeeded
            coverage. That's one thing, but the   in his endeavour. He has created a lot
            ordinary citizens like me should react   of positive impact, both nationally and
            and say: 'It's not true what these people   internationally. Lots of Ethiopians are

                                                                                                12009 Diva 35

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