Page 33 - DIVA_1_2009
P. 33

assistance. The local popula-
              tion who listened, and who
              did not really know where
              Norway is situated geogra-
              phically, applauded very
              heartily, cheering Norway.

              Q: You say that the
              Africans are awakening.
              Nowadays, we see the
              Chinese investing heavi-
              ly in Africa, like the
              Europeans used to do.
              Do you think that the
              Africans will accept this
              new exploitation for
              No, not at all. With this
              renaissance of the memory,
              all kinds of exploitation will
              come to an end.          member states. They very   Republic'?', you would have  arise. When people suffer,
                                       strongly influence the Human   made a fool of yourself.  they start to think. There is a
              Q: How long do you think   Rights Council, and also the   Because this Constitution  new global social contract
              this will take?          General Assembly, and that's   came 4 years later. So, we  that is in the making. I'm sure
                                       the reason why the Americans   know what we do not want -- about it. Georges Bernanos
              It will be quite soon. I would   are losing ground. Many   exploitation, famine, misery  writes "God has no other
              say within the present genera-  Europeans too are frustrated   and injustice. Once liberty has  hands than ours" either we
              tion.                    because they think that they   been won back by the people,  change this world or nobody
                                       invented human rights. The   what will they do with it? And  does it.
              Q: What you are saying   reason why some countries of   at what speed will they do it?
              is that we will enter a   the South do not want to do   Our desires are the horizon.  Q: You say that a new
              completely different geo-  anything about the Darfur   But the way to get there?   global social contract
              political situation?     Crisis is because nobody is                    will emerge. Do you see
                                       doing anything about    In my book, I cite the Spanish  a model where the State
              Yes, totally. The South will   Guantanamo or Palestine.   poet Antonio Machado who  will have a more impor-
              impose themselves. What you   Double standards are no lon-  brings it to the point:   tant role to play -- or not?
              see at the Human Rights   ger acceptable.        "Caminante no hay camino.
              Council is that the countries                    El camino se hace al andar."  I honestly think that it's the
              of the South are the ones who   Q: How do you build an   ("Wanderer, there is no way.  civil society that will be the
              have the greatest influence.   internationally reconci-  The way is traced by your  important actor, but the natio-
              The Human Rights Council,   led society?         own path.")            nal State will recuperate its
              composed of 47 states, is,                                              normative role, perhaps not
              after the Security Council and   History functions in an unpre-  You have to be humble in  necessarily in the forefront.
              the General Assembly, the   dictable manner. I will give   front of history. I'm sure that
              most important institution of   you an example. On the mor-  we are at the beginning of a
              the United Nations. The work   ning of 14th of July 1789, the   new world, because the capi-
              of the Council is fascinating,   workers and small tradesmen   talism of the jungle has lost its
              very complex and difficult,   from the Fauborg St Martin   mask -- the neo-liberal invisi-
              but of historic importance.   were marching towards La   ble hand was supposed to
                                       Bastille in order to liberate   regulate everything -- nobody
              The renaissance of the memo-  their friends, who were politi-  believes in it anymore. And
              ry has given birth to two   cal prisoners. They took the   behind it you find speculators
              strong groups that dominate   Bastille, liberated the priso-  and criminals. So the empire
              the UN, both here in Geneva   ners and burned the fortress.   of jungle capitalism has been
              and in New York. One is the   This was the beginning of the   broken. In the developing
              Organization of the Islamic   French Revolution. So if you,   world many more people will
              Conference (OIC) which is a   as a reporter, would have been   die from hunger, and also in
              very well-organized organiza-  present in Paris on that day,   the western world many peo-
              tion with fifty-three member   and you would have asked the   ple will suffer namely with
              states, and the Non-aligned   insurgents: "Now tell me   increased unemployment.
              Movement (NAM) with 117   what is the exact formulation   The people of the western
                                       of the Constitution of the First   world will awake. They will
                                                                                                  1 2009 Diva 31

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