Page 31 - DIVA_1_2009
P. 31

T#      mystery of memory

                                       Interview with Jean Ziegler,

                   former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food,
                Member of the UN Human Rights Council's Advisory Committee, and
                  author of the new bestselling book "La Haine de l'Occident" ("The
                                        Hatred of the West"), Paris, 2008

              Jean Ziegler is a man of  developing countries  of the memory. For instance,   had said that in Paris the sur-
              many facets. Although  about all the injustices  when something terrible hap-  vivors of the Nazi concentra-
              most of us know him for  that they have had to  pens to a people the shock is   tion camps were received and
              his outspoken and  endure from the Western  so violent that people's cons-  treated by the Red Cross, but
              forthright words denoun-  world. It comes at a time  cience cannot accept it, and   nobody wanted to listen to
              cing human rights  when the dominator is  their mind banishes it to the   them. After November  1945,
              violations and other  being challenged by the  very profound depths of their   and the Nuremberg trial,
              unfair treatment, either in  dominated. And this is  subconscious. Those who   nobody in Europe or the rest
              his capacity as former  what is happening now,  have lived through these   of the world could possibly
              UN Special Rapporteur  according to Professor  horrors are unable to talk   have ignored the extermina-
              on the Right to Food or  Ziegler in his latest book,  about it. Their children of the   tion of more than 6 million
              as a Member of the  La Haine de rOccident,  second generation know that   Jewish people by the Nazis.
              Advisory Committee of  just published by the  something terrible happened,   And yet, the Shoah was
              the Human Rights  French publishers Albin  but it remains a kind of     almost forgotten for more
              Council, we should not  Michel.                 family secret. Its not until the   than a generation. The univer-
              forget that he is also a                        third generation that they are   sal conscience kept it hidden.
              celebrated social scien-  We had the opportunity  capable of talking about it and   The fate of Raul Hilberg is
                            Emeritus  of meeting Professor  analysing it, and that is when
              tist 		                                                                 quite illuminating. Today, he
              Professor of Sociology  Ziegler on a wet and cold  the memory becomes alive   is considered as one of the
              at the Universities of  winter day in Geneva    again.                  greatest historians of the
              Geneva and Paris.                                                       Shoah, a researcher with a
              Professor Ziegler has on  Q: Professor Ziegler, you  For instance, as Elie Wiesel   worldwide reputation. Yet, he
              more than one occasion  say that we are living in  shows, the Shoah took almost   conducted most of his
              pointed an accusing  an epoch of the return of  two generations before it   research in a climate of total
              finger at trends in our  memories. Could you  started to become really   indifference. As early as 1955
              societies. Most recently,  explain this further?   known in all the horrible,   he finished his doctoral thesis,
              he has looked at an issue                       tragic dimensions. In my   "The Bureaucracy of Nazi
              that many might find  It is something rather curious;  book I mention the experien-  Germany", but he did not sue-
              surprising: the revolt by  one could call it the mystery  ce of Marguerite Duras who
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