Page 26 - DIVA_1_2009
P. 26

Solar   Aid   -  a   NGO   not   like   the   others
                     Interview        with   John   Keane,   Head   of   Programmes,


                                          {JK   it's  wind.   In  mrich   of  coininihnent    towards   a  sys-  absolutely    everywhere.    It's
                                          Africa,   it's  solar.  tem   before   it  is  iiistalled.   This  therefore   qriite   siinple.   Once
                                                                 can  come   iii   the  fonn   of   a  sotneone   has  a  solar   charger,
                                          Q:   What    kind    of  pro-  financial   contribution   towards  they   can  save  a  great   deal  of
                                          jects   do   you   have   and  the   system   and   also   'man  money   by   reducing    their
                                          where?                 hours'   where   a  coi'iununity  reliance    on  non   renewable
                                                                 agrees   to  aSsist with  the  instal-  fuel   sorirces.
                                          We  are   cu-rently   working  lation   and  train   others   aborit
                                          in  fotir   cormtries,   namely:  solar   power.  Q:   Has    these    products
                                          Malawi,    Tanzania,   Kenya                   been   developed    by   your
                                          and  Zambia.   We  nin   what  Q:   Who    are   financing  organization?     Do    you
                                          we   call   'microsolar'    pro-  your   activities?  sell   them   to   people    or   are
                                          jects   and  macrosolar    pro-                they    only    reserved     for
                                          )ects.                 We  briiig   together   the  vakies  your   projects?
                                                                 of   the  charity   sector   with   the
                 Q:    Could    you   tell    us  Microsolarprojects    essential-  professionalism    of   the  busi-  We   warit   eveiyone   to  liave
                 about    your   organization,  ly  provides   oppoitunities    for  ness  sector   and  benefit   from  access  to  solar   power.    We
                 how    it   started    and    the  enterprising    people   to  perso-  the  assistance   of  a  number   of  don't   make   products   oirsel-
                 philosophy    behind    it.  nally   design,   assemble   and  companies     such    as  ves.  We  teach   people   how   to
                                        market  low-cost   solar   systems  Solarcentury,    Scottish    arid  assemble  products.   We   educa-
                 Yes.   SolarAid    is  a  charity  -  typically   around   1  watt   of  Sorithem    Energy,   White   &  te  people    aborit    other   solar
                 which   was   established    in  power   that   are  tailor-made    to  Case  and  Vodafone.   We  also  products   that  may   be  of  rise  to
                 2006  in  order   to  help  poor  satisfy   local   demands   for  receive   fi'inds   from   grant  them.
                 coi'numinities    in   developing  affordable   levels   of  electricity  giving     agencies    such    as
                 countries   rise  solar   power   to  in  i'iiral   Africa.    Microsolar  TRAffl).  We  want   the   microsolar    mar-
                 fight   climate    change   and  lights   are  intended   to  be  via-  ket   to  explode   inAfrica    -  just
                 poverty.   We   want   everyone   in  ble  alternatives   to   kerosene.  Q:   You   ask   for  solar    char-  as  the  mobile   phone   market
                 the  world   to  have  access  to  Microsolar    panels   can  also  be  ger    for    mobile    phones,  has.  We  want   people   to  not
                 clean,   renewable   energy   and  rised  in  place   of   disposable  Solar    powered    battery  have  to  tbinktwice    abouthow
                 we  feel  that  solar   power   is  batteries   to  play   radios   and  chargers,    and   Solar   pan-  they   lighttheir   homes   atnight
                 well   placed   to  help   ris  achieve  power   mobile   phones.   Note   -  els   to  power    a  radio   on  -  and  I  don't   mean   kerosene!
                 this  goal   -  particularly    in  the  we   do  not   give   prodricts   away  your   website.     Why    and
                 sru'i  i'ich   areas  of  sub  Saharan  for   free.  We  do  not   see  this   as  do   they   really   make   a  dif-  Q:  If  you   had   a  message
                 Africa  where   we   are  ctu-rently  a   sustainable     way    of  ference?  for   the   international    com-
                 focusing   orir   efforts.  operating.   We   provide   people          munity    what   would    that
                                        with   opportiinities    to  develop  Eight   years   ago,  I  lived   in  be?
                 Q:  The   world    is  facing    an  their   own   enteiprises   to  meet  rural   Tanzania   and  spent   a  lot
                 energy    crisis     and   we  a  growing   need.  of   money   buying   batteries   to  Tliat's    a ti'icky   one.   I  don't

                 know   that   the   oil  reser-                 power   my   radio   and  kerosene  think   I'm   qrialified    to  answer
                 ves    will    only     cover  Our    macrosolar     projects  for   some   evening   light.   It  was  that!   The   easy   answer   is    -
                 consumption     until    2050  involve   the  installation    of  Jar-  this   experience   that   taught  me  Reduce   yotn   reliance   on  fos-
                 according     to    some  ger   systems    (arorind    300  how   much    money    I    could  sil  fuels.   Look   towards   fuel
                 researchers     Do    you  watts)   onto   schools,   clinics  have   saved   if  I'd  had   access   to  efficiency,    rise  solar   and  other
                 think     solar    energy     is  and  coininrinity    centres.   We  small,   affordable   solar   char-  renewables.   If  you're   going   to
                 really   an   alternative?  want   these  system   to  be  rised  gers.  Ever   since  this  tiine,   I  subsidise    miclear,   subsidise
                                        to  iinprove   the  quality   of  ser-  have  been  involved   in  looking  renewable   energy   solutions   as
                 Yes.  But   it  is  not  the  only  vices   on  offer   to  coininrinities  for   solar   sohitions.  well.
                 alternative.   We  also  have  to  living   in  areas  not   served   by
                 stop  relying   on  old   technolo-  the  electricity   gird.  We  also  Households     across    rural  Visit   www.solai'-aid.oig!
                 gies   and  start   rising   more   effi-  want  these   systems   to  be  rised  Africa   still   burn   increasingly
                 cientproducts.    We   needto   cut  to  generate   an  income   which  expensive    kerosene    every
                 down   on  energy   waste   which  can  be   used  to    ensure  that  evening   and  the  still   radio   is
                 will  reduce   our  thirst  for  fossil  fiu'ids   are   available   to  main-  the  most   prevalent   source   of
                 fuels.   We   also   have   to  ritilize  tain   and  repair   the  system   in  news   and   entertainment     on
                 altemative    resources   where   it  fiitiire   years.  We  expect   the  the  continent.   As  for   mobile
                 makes   sense  to  do  so.   hi   the  end  risers  to  show   an  initial  phones   -  well   they  are   now

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