Page 25 - DIVA_1_2009
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Odesa-Brody     Pipeline,  pumps,     modern     vessel                  of  transitional     potential
                                                             tion    of    the    pipelines
           which   was  recently    com-  equipment,     counter-                   of  Ula'aine.    During    the
                                                             Druzhba    and   Adria   (meant
           pleted.    "{Jkrtransnafta"    as  hirbulent    dopant,   effective      years   to   come   {Jkraine
                                                             to  increase   Druzhba    capa-
            state  owned   company    has  anticorrosion    coating    and           can   count    on   increased
                                                             city   up   to   5-15   mln   t),
           three   primary    parts   to   its  electrochemical     pipeline         capacity    of   the   Odesa-
                                                             constniction    of   the  pipeli-
            tntssion:     to    promote  protection    and   cleaning,              Brody    pipeline    of   40  mln
                                                             ne  Brody   (Ukraine)    Plotsk
           {Jkrainian    oil   pipeline    inte-  diagnostics,     repairing,       t  per   year.   Switching    to
                                                             (Poland)   and   development
            gration   with   European    oil  inforn'iation    and   analytical      avers-mode    of  the   Odesa-
                                                             of   the    Euro-Asian     Oil
           transport    systems,   to  create  systems   for   optimisation    of   Brody    pipeline    enables
                                                             Transportation     Corridor,
            attractive     business  OPS   operation    modes.                       oil  supplying    to  Ula'aine
                                                             transporting    oil   from    the
            conditions    for   foreign    part-                                     from   other   countries    of
                                                             Caspian         region
            ners   to  invest   in  oil   pipeli-  What   the   European    consu-   the   Caspian    region    and
                                                             (Azerbaijan,    Kazakhstan)
            ne   development    and   to  mer    should     obviously                from    Iraq,    Iran    and
                                                             and   the   Persian   Golf   coun-
            implement    a  new   business  know   is  some   basic   plan-         Northern   Africa.
                                                             tries   (Iran,   Iraq   and  other
            approach     to    make    the  ning    figures.     Ukrainian
                                                             countries)    getting   charged
            Odesa-Brody     pipeline  OPS    is    getting     more                  Possessing    of   described
                                                             with   10  mln   t  until   2010
            more      commercially  engaged   in  oil   transporta-                  natural   gas  and   oil   pipeli-
                                                             and   with   20  mln   t  until   the
            attractive.             tion:   until    the   year   2010               ne   system    Ukrame    can
                                                             year   2015.   Passing   the   year
                                    the  OPS   capacity   will   be                  obviously     be    deeper
                                                             2010   {Jkraine    risks   to  face
            It   is   essential    to   make  65  millions    tonnes   and   up      involved    in  processes   of
                                                             gradual   capacity    slackness
            Ukrainian    OPS   to   meet  to  2015   -  70  mln   t  per   year  resulting     from   decreasing  hydrocarbon    energy   sup-
            inten'iational    technological  with    tendency    to    fixed  of   Russian   oil   transporta-  ply    diversification     in
            and   equipment     standards:  capacity    or  gradual   reduc-  tion   therefore    the   project    of  Europe     and    play    an
            energy    conserving    elec-  tion.   Increasing    transporta-  the    Euro-Asian     Oil  important     role    in    the
            troengins    and   frequency  tion   capacity    of   {Jkrainian  Transportation    Corridor    is  Common     European
            regulating    electric   driving  OPS   will    be   ensured    by  the   main   and   strategic    vec-  Energy   Policy.
            gears,   high    performance  series   of   projects:   integra-
                                                             tor   of   further   development

             *  Albanian    Arabic    *  Catalan   @Chinese    Danish   *  English   *  French   *  German  *  Greek  *  Hebrew  *  Hungarian  @Spanish

                   Around   a  language    in  80  hours     Le  tour   d'une   langue   en  80  heures

                English    a French    a Chinese    a German    a Russian

               Personalized    programs    from   1 to  20   lessons    a  week  Programmes    personnalises    de   I  a  20   legons

                      for adults ayoung people a children     par   semaine    pour   adultes    a adolescents    a enTants

             e        Special    programs    for  organisations  Programmes    sp6ciaux    pour   organisations
                 Intensive    summer    courses    from   1  to   10   weeks  Stages    intensifs    d'6t6    de   I  A  10   semaines

                    Secretarial    Diploma    a Computer    studies  Dipl6me    de   secretariat    a d'assistant(e)    de   direction,

             CO        Accelerated    programs    in  3  months  informatique    a formations    acc616r6es    en  3  mois

                  Computer    programs    in  151essons    for   seniors  Informatiqueen 1 5h pour seniors   !:
             '5      Tailor   made   programs    for   gifted   children  Programmes    et   stages    pour   enfants    surdoues
                           Courses    in  33  languages       Cours   de   33  langues    a  distance    sur   Second    Lire  :
                       by   correspondence    on  Second    Life
               Flexible    schedule    from   7am   to   10pm   *  7  days   a  week  Horaires    A  la  carte   de   7h   A  22h   *  7  jours    sur   7
             0        Your   first   lesson   entails   no   obligation  Premier    cours   sans   engagement
                                                                                                12009   Diva   23
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30