Page 20 - DIVA_1_2009
P. 20

The ECE Energy  partnership investment
               Efficiency 21 Project    funds.
               promotes the formation of
               an energy efficiency  One investment fund has
               market in Eastern Europe   already been established
               so that cost-effective   and another is under deve-
               investments can provide a   lopment. The SwissRe
               self-financing method of   European Clean Energy
               reducing global green-   Fund is one of the largest
               house gas emissions.     funds for financing envi-
                                        ronmentally sound energy
               During the last few years,   technology in Europe. It
               the ECE and other inter-  has been successfully rai-
               national programmes have   sed by SwissRe and
               demonstrated that it is   Conning Asset Manage-
               possible to identify, deve-  ment under a mandate of
               lop and finance energy   the Energy Efficiency 21
                                        Project. The EUR  354
               projects that reduce green-  million fund provides
               house gas emissions in   capital for clean energy
               Eastern Europe. But it has   projects that reduce green-
               also shown that this is a   house gas emissions in
               time consuming and labour   Central, Eastern and
               intensive process that   Western Europe. It is now
               needs to become much     financing energy efficiency
               more fluid or business-as-  and renewable energy
               usual in order to succeed   investment projects that
               on any meaningful scale.   reduce CO2 emissions and
                                                                Global Environmental
                                        generate carbon credits or
                                                                Facility (GEF).          Q: What do you
                The market for energy   tradable certificates.
                                                                                         consider to be the
               efficiency projects with a
                                                                It will launch a public-  main challenges in the
               payback period of less than   The SwissRe European   private equity Fund, assist   years to come, and do
                five years is estimated to be   Clean Energy Fund offers
                                                                local experts to develop   you really think that we
               between EUR  5  and 10   attractive returns to
                                                                investment projects for   are facing this huge
               billion. But the capital   institutional investors in
                                                                financing and work with   energy crisis that the
                investment requirements   Europe, Canada and the   local authorities on the   media is talking so
                needed to tap this potential   United States for financing   energy policy reforms to   much about?
                are so large that only   energy efficiency, wind,
                                                                support these investments.
                commercial sector finance   solar,
                                                                                         The main challenge will be
                on a significant scale can   geo-thermal projects while   The Eastern European   to identify and promote
                actually deliver meaningful   providing carbon market
                                                                Energy Efficiency Fund   policies and new forms of
                results. This market will   services.
                                                                will be a Euro denominated   industrial cooperation on
                need to provide opportuni-
                                                                public-private partnership   energy security and
                ties for the commercial   The ECE is currently   Fund with capital commit-  sustainable energy. New
                sector to make large invest-  assisting in the develop-
                                                                ments from both the public   strategic alliances are
                ments with low transaction   ment and launching of a
                                                                sector and the private sec-  being developed between
                costs that make adequate   new investment fund to   tor for approximately Euro   major European natural gas
                returns at acceptable risk   reduce greenhouse gas
                                                                250 million. The Fund will   companies on the forma-
                within a reasonable period   emissions in twelve coun-
                                                                be designed to make Euro   tion of joint venture energy
                of time.                tries in Eastern Europe,
                                                                denominated mezzanine    efficiency
                                        Central Asia and South-
                                                                and equity investments in   Indeed, the government of
                The ECE energy efficiency   Eastern Europe. The
                                                                energy efficiency and/or   the Russian Federation is
                market formation activities   'Financing 	                               now supporting an ECE
                                                                renewable energy projects
                involve capacity building   Efficiency Investments for   or companies developing,   project on increasing ener-
                to develop investment pro-  Climate
                                                                manufacturing, distributing   gy efficiency to generate
                jects, assistance on govern-  Mitigation' project is sup-
                                                                or installing energy     greater
                ment policy reforms and   ported by the United
                                                                efficiency and/or renewa-  availabilities for additional
                opportunities for project   Nations
                                                                ble energy equipment or   exports. This project
                finance through externally   (UNF), Fonds Français
                                                                services in the twelve   reflects the Decision of  4
                managed public-private   pour
                                                                participating countries.   June 2008 of President
                                        Mondial (FFEM) and the
                                                                                         Medvedev related to
                   18 1 2009 Diva

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