Page 18 - DIVA_1_2009
P. 18

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                 Interview with                   ei1c  Ro  hg. Director Sustainable
                 Energy Division,,  conomi  Commission for Europe

              Q: The ECE has a long    responded with both a  problems are daunting.   Framework Classification,
              history going back to    forum for an intergovern-  Sustainable
                                                                                       so as to increase transpa-
              the very beginning of    mental dialogue and practi-  development is just as   rency and knowledge on
              the UN, and it's known   cal work through its expert  challenging. Ensuring the   the future availability of
              to be a technical body.   groups and technical assis-  environmentally benign   fossil energy and mineral
              To what extent has it    tance projects.         use of energy resources and   resources as well as to bet-
              already dealt with                               their availability for future   ter manage these resources
              energy 	                                                                 over time, which is the sub-
                                       0: Energy security is  generations will not be
              during 	                                                                 ject of much interest and
                                       not a clearly defined  easy to achieve. But it does
              history?                 concept. What exactly  offer a positive long-term   work by one of the expert
                                       does the ECE mean by  dimension to the urgent   groups
              Energy has always been   this?                   need for secure energy   Committee.
              important for the UNECE.                        supplies. In fact, a
              When the Commission was   There are a number of key  sustainable energy future is   Energy efficiency can both
              founded in 1947, it took   reasons why energy securi-  most likely to be a   reduce import dependency
              over the European Coal   ty has emerged again as an  consequence of prudent   for importing countries
              Organisation that had been   overriding 	                                while freeing up additional
                                                    economic  energy security polices
              created urgently towards   concern. Since 2003 stee-  pursued today.     resources for export in
              the end of the Second    ply rising oil import                           energy exporting countries.
              World War. The ECE was   demand in developing  0: Apart from projects    The UNECE Energy
              launched as a two-track   countries and the narro-  working on standards   Efficiency 21 Project, as
              organisation providing a   wing margin between oil  for pipelines, what else   well as Regional Advisory
              policy dialogue in the   supply and demand have  do you do in this field?   Services, provides self-
              annual Commission ses-   driven up prices. The vola-                     financing methods for
              sions and practical work   tility of oil prices is further  The Committee on   reducing greenhouse gas
              through technical commit-  aggravated by international  Sustainable Energy is   emissions through energy
              tees. The first practical task   tensions, terrorism and  structured to promote inter-  efficiency improvements
              of the UNECE Coal  potential supply disrup-     national cooperation on   that can also reduce import
              Committee was to help    tions. Hydrocarbon reser-  exactly these polices and   dependencies and alleviate
              alleviate acute post-war   ves and resources are abun-  measures:        fuel poverty.
              coal shortages. East-west   dant globally, but they are
              energy cooperation expan-  concentrated in a few geo-  Energy security, so vital to   Coal, one of the most secu-
              ded thereafter to include   graphic regions some of  member countries, has   re sources of energy, can
              work on the production,   which are economically  been addressed through the   provide energy security as
              consumption and trade of   vulnerable and unstable.  Energy Security Forum   an indigenous fuel in many
              coal, electric power and   Even developing these  that brought together high-  ECE countries so long as
              natural gas. Energy securi-  reserves in some countries  level representatives of the   its production and use can
              ty arose as a priority during   is difficult because of the  energy industries and the   be made environmentally
              the 1970s 'energy crisis' as   restricted access of oil and  financial sector under the   acceptable by introducing
              east-west energy trade and   gas companies. While  auspices of the Committee.   clean coal and zero emis-
              cooperation allowed wes-  energy-consuming coun-  In 2006 the Committee   sion technologies. This
              tern consuming countries   tries seek the security of  decided to pursue this   forms part of the
              to diversify their sources of   energy supplies, energy  important matter directly   Committee's work on
              oil and natural gas supplies   producers seek the security  during its annual meetings.   Cleaner
              away from the Middle     of energy demand to dimi-                       Production from Coal and
              East. As energy security   nish the risks associated  Energy reserves and   Other Fossil Fuels as well
              has risen to the top of the   with large long-term  resources need to be   as a UN Development
              economic agenda again    investments.            classified and evaluated   Account project.
              during the last few years,                      using a reliable, global
              the UNECE Committee on   Clearly the range, magnitu-  common system, such as   Coal Mine Methane can
              Sustainable Energy has   de and complexity of these  the United Nations   enhance energy security by
                                                                                       providing opportunities for
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