Page 17 - DIVA_1_2009
P. 17

More water, less energy!

            New technology for transforming salt water into fresh water

                    Interview with Ragnar Lyng, Director Aqualyng

            0: You have developed a   today between 2 and 3kWh.   your website. Is it really  We have also supplied a plant
            new technology for       This means that the "reverse   that cheap?      producing 9,000m3/ day for
            transforming salt water   osmosis" technology is now                     the Royal Palace in Jeddah,
             into fresh water. Could   available to various markets   Today, with the energy  Saudi Arabia. This was a very
            you tell us how it all   where it had previously been   recovery system patented by  prestigious project and some-
             started?                too expensive.          Aqualyng, you can produce  thing we are very proud of.
                                                             1,000 litres of high-quality
            In the mid-1990s, the founder   Q: "More  water, less   drinking water at a cost of less  Q: Your family has been
            of the Lyng Group and    energy" is a slogan to be   than US$1, exclusive of  involved in a wide range
            Aqualyng -- the now late   found on your website.   financial investments. In most  of technological inven-
            Bjorn Lyng -- started work on   How does it work?   markets, that is a very cost-  tions in a variety of
            the spectacular Anfl Del Mar                     competitive way of obtaining  markets. What exactly
             resort hotel in the Canary   It all depends how you look at   stable access to high-quality  have you invented?
             Islands. He was happy with   it. Of course, if you have a   drinking water.
             neither the quality nor the   large river passing through               The Lyng Group has always
             price of the water supplied by   your city containing fresh,   Q: You are about to finish  focused on inventions. Some
            the local municipality and, in   clean water, desalination   a desalination plant in  of the success stories are:
             his typical entrepreneur spirit,   cannot compete. But that is   Karachi, Pakistan. Could  •  Elsafe, started in 1979, is
             thought: I can do better! That   unfortunately not the case   you tell us something  the biggest international suc-
             is how he started working on   with many countries that need   about other projects  cess of the Lyng Group so far.
             his own desalination process,   more water than is available   around the world?   This electronic safe can today
             with special focus on energy   from surface and ground                  be found in most 3-,4- and 5-
             recovery. The first Aqualyng   water. Their alternatives are   Aqualyng has installations in  star hotels in over 150 coun-
             plant was built in the Canaries   either to build long pipelines   the Canary Islands, Morocco,  tries.
             in 1998 and the company has   from more water-rich areas,   Egypt, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia  • Lyng Drilling has recently
             since expanded to work on   or actually to continue   and Oman. We have also  been sold to an American
             four continents.        surviving with an under-  secured a large contract in  company -- Schlumberger --
                                     supply of water. Pakistan as   Ghana, where we built a plant  but has been one of the great
             Q: One of the challenges   an example: they cannot   producing 20,000m3/day for  successes of the Lyng group.
             in the years to come will   expect to obtain more water   Ghana Water on a  Production of drilling bits for
             be to ensure a supply of   from the River Indus than the   build/own/operate basis. In  the offshore oil industry was
             fresh water to the world's   country is already using. They   other words, we assume all  the core business of this
             population. Do you really   need to rely on desalination to   the financial costs for  company.
             think that you can make   cope with the growing   building the plant and  • Lyng Motor has developed
             a difference?           demand.                 operating it We then sell the  a device that controls valves
                                                             water to the local water  on ships. The "Eltorque" is
             In the 1990s, the energy   There are numerous ways of   authorities who can then fill  regarded as the world's finest
             consumption for producing   desalinating seawater, but the   their empty pipelines with  electrical valve activator for
             one cubic metre of potable   most popular method is called   high-quality drinking water.   such applications, and Lyng
             water via desalination would   "reverse osmosis". This is a             Motor is one of the most exci-
             have been between  5  and 6   process where seawater is   In fact, in the Nungua area,  ting companies in the Lyng
             kilowatt-hours (kWh). Bjorn   filtered through membranes.   Ghana has been suffering  Group at the moment
             Lyng and his team focused on   The seawater will have a   from a water shortage for  •  Anfi Del Mar, built by
             reducing energy consump-  pressure of about  50-bar   some time. This initiative  Bjorn Lyng in the mid-1990s,
             tion, knowing that this would   when going through the   from Ghana Water to  is regarded as the most
             be critical in opening up new   membranes. After passing   introduce desalination is a  spectacular resort hotel in the
             markets for desalination.   through, about 40% of the   major step towards improving  Canary Islands. It is still 50%
             Aqualyng -- with its energy   input water will come out as   a critical situation. This is the  owned by the Lyng Group,
             recovery device, the    freshwater.             first large-scale desalination  and is -- with close to 900
             Recuperator -- has been an                      project in West Africa and is  rooms -- a truly spectacular
             important driving force in   Q: "As long as we have   part of a long-term plan to  hotel that is today one of the
             reducing costs for the water   oceans, we can produce   introduce
                                                                            Aqualyng  flagships in the Lyng Group
             desalination industry. Energy   good drinking water at   desalination plants to  portfolio.
             consumption for producing   low cost" is another   numerous locations along the  (
             one cubic metre of water is   slogan to be found on   Ghana coastline.

                                                                                                 1 2009 Diva 15

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