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energy efficiency in     world market levels.    One study is examining  constituency.
          Russian markets. This                            how sustainable energy
          project provides the     Harnessing the mutuality  policies can mitigate ener-  This innovative way of
          opportunity for govern-  of interests of both industry  gy security risks and the  working will provide for a
          ment and energy industry   and governments from  role of financial markets on  more profound exchange
          experts to work on energy   both importing and expor-  energy security.   of views than the usual
          efficiency improvements in   ting countries on efficiency                annual Committee sessions
          the Russian Federation and   improvements for secure  The second study is focus-  can offer. It is also one of
          Central Asian energy     energy supplies is a stri-  sed on perceptions of ener-  the most promising ways to
          exporting countries.     king new development that  gy security risk. I mentio-  reconcile divergent views
                                   fits exceptionally well  ned earlier that the ECE  in order to accomplish
          At the same time, a global   within the tradition of east-  energy security dialogue  common goals.
          consensus among govern-  west energy trade and  brings together key experts
          ments seems to be growing   cooperation of the ECE.   from governments, energy  In the end, energy security
          that energy efficiency is the                    industries, the financial  and sustainable energy
          most effective method of   This is a good example of  community and relevant  development are problems
          mitigating climate change.   the correlation between  international organisations.   that cannot actually be sol-
          This is because there is a   energy security and sustai-                 ved. There is only the hope
          vast potential for efficiency   nable energy policies that  But each of these four  they can be better managed
          improvements to reduce   emerged so prominently  groups perceives energy  over the long term. This is
          CO2 emissions which can   during the 2007 session of  security differently and can  the opportunity that the
          be implemented very      the Committee on  contribute to reducing risks  ECE provides to all partici-
          quickly, cheaply and     Sustainable Energy. In  in different ways. Therefore  pants in its work.
          reliably.                November 2008, the  this analysis will involve a
                                                  received  consensus building Delphi
          While energy efficiency   reports on two studies sup-  Study drawing on the views
          can reduce carbon emis-  ported of the European  of experts from each part of
          sions, it can also contribute   Business Congress.   the Committee on
          to ensuring the energy                           Sustainable
          security of the European
          region. The strategic inter-
          est of energy importing
          countries is for exporting
          countries to produce and
          use hydrocarbons as
          efficiently as possible.                           EXECUTIVE MASTER
                                                             IN INTERNATIONAL
          Indeed, the Declaration                            NEGOTIATION AND
          from the recent Summit on
          Financial Markets and the                          POLICY-MAKING
          World Economy - the G 20                           October 2009— June 2010
          meeting in Washington -
          stated that Heads of State
          remained "committed to
                                                             A part-time programme for working professionals
          addressing other critical
                                                                Global Governance and Public-Private Partnerships
          challenges such as energy
                                                                Economic, Political and Legal Challenges of
          security and climate
                                                                Negotiation and Leadership Skills in International
          Western importing coun-
          tries have the technology,
                                                             Earn a Diploma from a Leading Academic Institute
                                                             Application opens: March 1, 2009
          standards and experience
          in financing efficiency
           improvements. Energy
           exporting countries gene-
          rally do so much less. They                                        THE GRADUATE INSTITUTE   I  GENEVA
                                                                             INsTrwr DE HWES ETUDES
          tend to use their energy less                                      INTERNA11ONALES ET DU DVaOPPEMENr
           efficiently keeping domes-                                        GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL
                                                                             AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
           tic energy prices below
                                                                                               1 2009 Diva 19
                          wwwdivainternationaI.c                                          h
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