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inter-fuel substitution and   •   investment/transit
           indigenous energy produc-  safeguards and burden
           tion while at the same time   sharing.
           reducing emissions of
           methane to the atmosphere,   It agreed that enhanced
           a potent greenhouse gas.   expert dialogues on ener-
           This is one of the newer   gy security be conducted
           avenues of work under the   during the annual session
           Committee that is also   of the Committee with
           supported by a technical   the participation of
           assistance project.      representatives
                                    governments, energy
           Natural Gas, today's fuel of   industries,
           choice and the so-called   community and relevant
           transition fuel providing   international organisa-
           the bridge between the pre-  tions.
           sent and a much cleaner,
           environmentally benign   Q: The specialists
           energy future, is an impor-  say that the oil will
           tant activity of the Working   only last until 2050,
           Party on Gas and the     unless major new
           UNECE Gas Centre.        reserves are found,
                                    and even then, most
           In every important respect,   of the oil easy to get
           the need for secure and sus-  at has already been
           tainable energy supplies   extracted. Do you

           pose problems that will not   have programmes    according 	Federation,
           go away and that probably   looking at alternative
                                                            International   Energy   Eastern Europe and Central
           cannot actually be solved.   sources of energy?
                                                            Agency.                 Asia are strategically
           Member States can only
                                                                                    important energy suppliers
           hope to manage them bet-  Thirty five years ago, the
                                                            The narrowing margin bet-  and transit countries for
           ter. However, in order to do   energy crisis was 'supply-
                                                            ween oil supply and  Western European energy
           this they will need open a   driven' by the OPEC oil   demand has driven up  security. For example,
           new chapter in internatio-  embargo. It ended with
                                                            hydrocarbon prices. The  Russian oil and natural gas
           nal energy cooperation.   increased deliveries on the
                                                            volatility of oil prices is  exports account for 20 per
                                    international oil market.
                                                            further aggravated by inter-  cent or more of the oil and
           A New Energy Dialogue At   Today global energy
                                                            national tensions, terrorism   gas consumed in 20
           its annual session in    security risks are 'demand-
                                                            and the potential for supply   Eastern and Western
           November 2006, delega-   driven', having increased
                                                                                    European countries.
           tions recommended that   sharply because of steeply
                                                            hydrocarbon reserves and
           the Committee on         rising oil import demand   resources are abundant glo-  The ECE Committee on
           Sustainable Energy under-  largely in developing coun-
                                                            bally, they are concentrated   Sustainable Energy has
           take a broadly shared inter-  tries. For example, the
                                                            in a few geographic regions   responded to this challenge
           governmental expert dialo-  United States currently
                                                            some of which are econo-  by launching an inter-
           gue on energy security in   consumes about 21 million
                                                            mically vulnerable and  governmental dialogue
           one or more of the follo-  barrels of oil per day while
                                                            unstable. Even developing  between producers and
           wing areas:             China consumes about 8
                                                            these reserves in some  consumers on energy
                                    million But Chinese oil
                                                            countries is difficult becau-  security with practical
           •   data and information   demand is expected to   se of the restricted access  work through its expert
           sharing and increased    double by 2015. This
                                                            of international oil and gas  groups and technical
           transparency;           would amount to the total
                                                            companies.              assistance projects.
            infrastructure investment   current oil output of Saudi
           and financing;          Arabia.
                                                            During the 1970s 'energy  Q: We hear a lot about
           legal, regulatory and
                                                            crisis', east-west energy  energy
           policy framework;        Growing energy demand is
                                                            trade and cooperation allo-  What is the Energy
             harmonisation of stan-  most unlikely to diminish
                                                            wed western consuming  Efficiency 21 Project,
           dards;                  any time soon. Indeed, glo-
                                                            countries to diversify their  and what would you
              research, development   bal energy needs are expec-  sources of oil and natural  like to achieve?
           and deployment of new   ted to increase by more
                                                            gas supplies away from the
           technologies, and       than 50 per cent by 2030
                                                            Middle East. Today the
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