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something will come of
            raise 		                                         each other if we pay respect   specialized agencies of the
            standard of living. It is also   it?             to historically developed   UN system. All of them are
            aimed at ensuring our                            ways of life. In this sense,   important for us, notably
            national interests, as well as  The answer is "yes", other-  democracy cannot be one-  WHO, ILO, UNECE, ITU,
            the security and sovereignty  wise there is no sense in   dimensional. The strength of   WTO, the humanitarian
            of the country. There are no   launching this initiative.   democracy is in its diversity.   agencies, as well as the
            dramatic changes in our  This is a very important   Life has repeatedly proved it   Conference
            foreign policy and I do not  political move. By this, we   is counter-productive for   Disarmament. I should also
            foresee them in the near  demonstrate to the world   anyone to try to impose their   contribute greater efforts
            future.                 our commitment to act    views about democracy by   and time to the work carried
                                    decisively to keep the arms   applying one's own rules   out by the Human Rights
            Q. Putin's Presidency is  race out of space. Needless   and perceptions.   Council.
            over, and to many he  to say, it is a very difficult
             has been a great presi-  task. But, if we stay idle,   Q. How would you   Q. Many Ambassadors
            dent, while to others he  outer space may soon turn   describe the human   tell me that they are
             has not. What is in your  into a real threat for inter-  rights situation in   always rushing from
            opinion 	                                        Russia?                  one conference to ano-
                         President  national peace and security.
             Putin's legacy?                                                          ther. Do you have time
                                     One could adopt the point of   Non-biased observers can-  for leisure or hobbies?
            For clear reasons I cannot  view of those sceptics who   not ignore the fact that over
            give my assessment of the  claim that a couple of   the last fifteen or even   Ambassadors cannot afford
            role and accomplishments  countries tend to block   twenty years Russia has   to be cunning. Nevertheless,
            of the President of Russia.  negotiations on space. I   advanced impressively in   almost every day I try to
            But in my personal view we  would reply that today the   ensuring the respect, the   spend at least an hour swim-
            -- Russia and Europe -- have  situation is, perhaps, exactly   provision and the promotion   ming or walking. Reading,
            benefited from Putin's eight-  as they say. But the very fact   of human rights. These   of course. My other hobby,
            year presidency. For Russia  that the draft treaty on space   changes are of a fundamen-  if I may say so, are my
            his tenure was definitely a  is on the table obliges us to   tal and irreversible nature.   grandchildren; I have six of
            period of Renaissance.   think it over, to cool down   However, observance of   them. Although, with the
                                     those who dream about   human rights is a process   exception of the youngest
            It is quite challenging to  placing weapons in space.   that enables human rights   (he is only six months old),
            sum up Putin's legacy  And -- my last comment --  norms and practices to be   they live outside Geneva, I
            briefly. To boil it down, I  this is not a fantasy, it is a   continuously developed and   do my best to spend as much
            will argue that in his years in   real and imminent threat and   enhanced. What really   time as possible with them
            office Russia has been  we have no moral right to   matters is how thoroughly   and my family.
            completely transfonned and  remain idle.         they are implemented. To
            the living standards of its                      this end I must admit that
            people raised. In other  Q. There are always a   we have a long way to go in
            words, the country has been   lot of discussions   order to achieve the highest
            significantly strengthened in  about 	democracy.   standards in this field. Our
            political and economic  Some say that each       major reference point is the
            terms. At the same time,  country has to develop   Universal Declaration of
            Russia does not have any  its own form, whereas   Human Rights, the inter-
            temptation to threaten any-  others want to impose a   national covenants and other
            body or to flex its muscles.   certain form of demo-  legal instruments and
            Our work is aimed at  cracy on others.  mechanisms on human
            rebuilding the country and  According to a German   rights to which Russia is
            strengthening international   University Professor,   bound.
            co-operation and security, in   the Russian democracy
            particular, within the frame-  has been set up to   Q. On  a more personal
            work of the United Nations   reflect Russian culture   level, Mr. Ambassador,
            system.                  and tradition.          among the international
                                                             organizations here in
            Q. Your Foreign  Russia possesses a rich         Geneva do you have a
             Minister, Mr.  Lavrov  culture and centuries-long   preferred one?
            was in Geneva in  traditions. They are not
             February launching a  identical with those of other   Geneva is a unique capital
                                for  nations. These differences
             new 	                                           of multilateral diplomacy
             Disarmament in Outer  should not divide us, but   and international co-
             Space. Do you think  rather enable us to enrich   operation. It hosts major
                                                                                                 1 2009 Diva 11

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