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that the local administration   chance than people who are   up at 6 a.m.; the first engage-  there. The country was in a
            was going through. Even for   not used to cold climates.   ment is at 7:30 a.m. -- you   very bad shape. There had
            those of us who were coming                      would be busy until 10 p.m.,   been internal conflict and
            from outside, it was  You could say that people   and you are not supposed to   thousands of people were
            emotionally challenging to   began to recover from the   leave the camp because there   killed, and thousands more
            see the suffering and the des-  shock maybe three or four   is no security, and basically   became refugees and inter-
            truction. So, for those who   weeks after the earthquake.   no place to go anyway. Of   nally displaced. Since it's a
            lived there and who knew the   From the helicopter you could   course, those who are called   very remote place, nobody
            people who had passed away,   very often see people sitting   disaster junkies! One has to   cared too much. I think it was
            they knew whose house it   in the ruins of their houses   understand that they are there   very good that we went there
            was, their neighbours -- the   just doing nothing. They were   to help other people!   and raised awareness about
            whole thing was in ruins. It is   just sitting there looking at the   I heard a lot of good things   the situation. We launched the
            very difficult! So people like   rubble and could not believe   from the Pakistanis in gene-  programmes and the appeal
            to say that it was chaos -- of   that such a thing had happe-  ral, not only the government   for funds, so during the next
            course, it was chaos!    ned to them. It was such a   officials but from people I   4-5 years they received a lot
                                     huge shock! It takes some   spoke with. They understand   of support from various UN
            Q: You talked about Barn   time for human beings to   this and told me: "You people   agencies.
            and Pakistan and         absorb it, and then to start   flew from New York, Rome
            presume that  you  have   rebuilding their lives.   and Geneva and lived in this   Q: What is the situation
            seen other disasters.                            tent -- you could have forgot-  like today?
            How do you manage to     The President of Pakistani   ten all about it. It's not your
            cope with it?           Administered Kashmir told   country, not your neighbours,   Ah, it's much better. The first
                                    me that a lot of people had   not your relatives." So, I think   time I went there, tanks were
            Quite frankly, I do not know.   been telling him that they had   the local population was very   in the streets. The last time I
            Perhaps your skin becomes   thought it had been the end of   grateful.   went there, in 2003, you
            thicker. Maybe, the feeling   the world. This is how it is               would find economic activity
            that you know that you can do   written in the Holy Book --  You could never expect the   picking up on. I'm not saying
            something about it helps you.   that there would be a huge   affected population to be   that everything is fine; it may
            If you know that you can do   noise, mountains would move   entirely happy, no matter how   take some time before every-
                                                                                     thing is fully back to normal.
            nothing about it, it's far more   and there would be great des-  much
            difficult.               truction, and you will be   provided. They are going
                                     killed! And for more than 70   through a terrible ordeal. To   Our task is to help people
            Q: So you just  pull up   000 people it was indeed the   become a displaced person is   survive, to reduce their
            your sleeves and do it?   end of the world!      a very big deal, and no matter   suffering and to help them to
                                                             how little you had, it's no   get back on their feet. They
            Yes, I remember at some   Q: It is very difficult for   longer there. Your kitchen is   received a lot of support from
            point in Pakistan I gave an   us to imagine what it is   not there, the place you used   donors, the World Bank, etc.,
            interview to a news agency   like to be in this kind of   to live -- it is no longer there,   and I think our action was
            and somebody called me   situation. Everybody felt   your children cannot go to   very much appreciated by the
            from HQ to tell me: "Why on   very concerned when the   school. On the top of that, if   government. All the refugees
            earth did you say that?" I   Tsunami struck. Do you   somebody in your family was   have returned from
            replied that if we do not mobi-  think that the general   killed, the survivors cannot be   Afghanistan.
            lize all the assistance now, the   public felt less concer-  happy, no matter how much
            second wave might be even   ned about the Pakistan   food and water, and how   Q: Do you have a
            worse than the earthquake   earthquake?          many tents you may provide.   message for the interna-
            itself because people might be                   They cannot be happy, and   tional community in
            dying during the winter. "So   You know, at a certain point   one should not expect them to   Geneva?
            we need to help them now."   when I was in Pakistan, I was   be! They will say "thank you
            Some people did not believe   thinking about inviting some   very much" for everything,   No matter how much we do,
            that this was true -- these are   of the harshest critics at the   but they will still not be   we still have to understand
            sturdy mountain people; they   UN to come and visit us in   happy.       that there are still a lot of
            are used to living in the   that camp to see the commit-                 people out there who are not
            mountains in these kinds of   ment of staff. Instead of living   Q: Looking back at your   receiving assistance in times
            weather conditions. Of course   in pretty good conditions in   career, which operation   of crisis. I am not sure that we
            they are, but they are not used   their respective duty stations   do you think has been   will be able to reach all of
            to living without shelter.   in New York, Geneva and   the most gratifying?   them, but I think we should
            When they know that winter   Rome, they came to this                     try together, and this is the
            is coming, they prepare for it.   place, with about ten people   Certainly, the experience with   place it should go from.
            But now, all of a sudden there   living in one tent with no par-  the earthquake in South Asia.   Geneva is the Humanitarian
            is no food, no shelter. How   titions. We started to get sho-  I would also say that in 1996,   Capital of the World!
            can you say that they are stur-  wers with hot water after ten   I was with the UN team that
             dy, and that they will survive?   days, but it was not available   went to Tajikistan to launch
             Probably they have a better   24 hours per day. You wake   humanitarian programme
                                                                                                  1 2009 Diva 9

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