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and  did   not   do  that.  I  do  not
             sheets    for    winterization  Going   back   to  the  last   part   of  aroru'id   the  place   where   we
                                                                                      challenge   tis   statement,   but   I
             because   tents   were   not   suppo-  yorir   question:   yes,   I  miss   it  a  happened    to   be   that   this
                                                                                      say   that   the   level    of   co-
              sed  to  be  durable   enough   for  lot.  I  was  taken   to  the  place  ru'iited   us  in  a  common   goal.
                                                                                      operation     was    really
             the  winter   season.  Tents  can  where   oru'  camp   used   to  be  -  First    of   all,    it    was    an
                                                                                      enonnous.    Every   evening   I
              only   protect   yori   from   wind  and  there   is  nothing   leff!   The  extremely    difficult    operation.
                                                                                      met  with   the  general   who   was
              and  rain,   but  not  from   cold  {JN   camp   was   demolished,
                                                                                      in    charge    of   the    relief
              and   snow,   simply    becarise  and  it  had   become   a  football  If  you   look   into   any   textbook
                                                                                      operation     in    Pakistan
              they   are  not   sturdy   enorigh   -  field   again.   Frankly,    it  was  where    they    teach    aborit
                                                                                      Adistered    Kasbinir.   I  met
             iuiless   they   are  actually  winte-  very   sad!  No  tents,  no  {JN  humanitarian     assistance,
                                                                                      one  of  generals   again   the  day
             rized   tents   and  there   are  very  flag;   but   it was   also   very  hear-  almost    everything    yori   can
                                                                                      before   yesterday   and  it  was
              few   of  those.        tening   to  see  this  as  a  strong  imagine   was  tnie   abor'it  this
                                                                                      very   emotional!    Both   of   us
                                      indication    that   life   is  back   to  emergency,    inchiding     poor
                                                                                      were   almost   crying!   We   rised
              At   that  time,   we  needed   aborit  nonnal.  understanding     of    the
                                                                                      to  see  each   other   almost   every
              600,000   tents.   Nowadays,    as  I           complexity    and  magitude    of
                                                                                      evening   at  7  o'clock   and   spent
              was   flying   over  the  area,  there  When   I    first    arrived   there,  the   crisis.   The   logistics    -
                                                                                      at    least   45   minrites    going

              was  not  a  single   tent  to  be  they   were   setting   up  a  radio  roads   were   blocked   as there
                                                                                      through   various   issues.   One
              seen,  only   houses.   I  checked  antenna   about   30  meters   high,  had   been   lots   of  landslides.
                                                                                      would   have   the  feeling   that
              some  of   them   and  they  are  and  I  gave   them   my   UN   flag
                                                                                      we   went   throrigh    a  very

              really   excellent!    I  think   the  to  fly   from   the  top,  so that  There   is   one  image   I  will
                                                                                      difficult    test   together,   and  we
              population    has  never   lived   in  everybody    in  Muzaffarabad  never   forget.   On  one  of   the
                                                                                      never  ever  had  an  ar@unent!
              such   good  houses.   It  is  a  small  would   know   where   the  UN  main   roads,   two   mountains
                                                                                      Can   yori   imagine?
              house,   two   rooms   w'th   a  kit-  was    located.    Life    in  had  moved.   As   you   flew   over
              chen,    but    earthquake  Mhizaffarabad    really   was  like  the   mountain,   all  of  a  sudden
                                                                                      The  Pakistanis   would   never
              resistant;   it  is  heated   in  the  being   in  the  field,   living   in  a  there   was   no   road,   only
                                                                                      say  no,  because   they  lmew
              winter.   I  would   not  say  that  tent,   flying    eveiywhere     by  mountain,     and   then   road
                                                                                      that   we   were   tiying   to  do  our
              it's   bearitiful,    but   it's   very  helicopters,    and   also   very  again,   and   then    mountain
                                                                                      work    the    way    we    are
              functional,    modern   and  looks  challenging    professionally.  again.   On  this  little   isolated
                                                                                      supposed   to  do  it.  They   gave
              very   strong.   The  authorities               stretch  of  road  there   were   two
                                                                                      us   space.   We   also   showed
              have   also   rebuilt    a lot   of  Q:   Does    this   hardship  tmcks!   Canyouimaginewhat

                                                                                      them   respect   becarise   this  is  a
              schools   and  hospitals   w'th   the  create   a  kind   friendship  these  drivers   went   through?
                                                                                      sovereign    government,     an
              support    of  the   international  or  solidarity    among    the  They   were   driving   along   and
                                                                                      independent    counhy-it    was
              community.              aid   workers?          thenall   of  a suddenthemoun-
                                                                                      their   countiy!    Most    of  the
                                                              tain   started  to  move!
                                                                                      assistance   came  from   them;
              Iremember   afterthe  Tsunami,  Not   only   among   the   aid-
                                                                                      the  assistance   from   the  {JN
              President    Clinton    came  up  workers,    but   also   with    the  What   was   very   important    was
                                                                                      was  just   a  drop   in  the  ocean!
              with   his  slogan:   Build   back  Pakistanis!    We   had   a very  the   very   strong   bond   of

              better!   This   is  what   happened  good    team.   You    know,    in  solidarity    between   intematio-
                                                                                      Q:  Did   you   not  find   it  very
              in  Pakistmi  in  the  earthquake-  times   of   crisis   hriman   beings  nals   and   the   Pakistanis.   There
                                                                                      difficult    to   co-ordinate    all
              affected   areas.       non'nally   show  their  best   side.  was  a  lot   of  criticism    that   the
                                                                                      these   different    agencies
                                      There   was  so  much   suffe*g  Govemment    did  not  do  this
                                                                                                   1 2009   Diva  7

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