Page 5 - DIVA_1_2009
P. 5
Norwegian development aid policy
Interview with
Erik Solheim,
Norwegian Minister of the Environment and
International Development
Erik Solheim is a young who cherishes peace from this part of Africa to Nomegian companies
and dynamic minister and stability and who is Europe; in West Africa. Which
with a strong commit- also trying to do his @there are huge reserves of particular countries you
ment to creating a bet- veiy best to contribute petroleuin there; are talking about?
ter world for humanity to peace in Sri Lanka - @ and some of the most
through environmental as elsewhere. Now, let's horrific conflicts in modern Angola and Nigeria have
issues or simply more leave the floor to His tii'nes have taken place been the most important
"development" issues. Excellency.... there. ones up to now, but we also
Before becoming a see an increased interest for
Minister in Norway, Q: You have been We would like to contribute Ghana, where there is
Solheim was a politi- travelling quite to peace and stability, and to investments both in bio-fuel
cian for the Social Left frequently to West become involved in peace- several shipping
Paity (SV). He went into Africa lately. Does this building work. companies are consideig
politics quite young represent a shift in the setting up business there.
and soon became the Norwegian develop- West Africa is also one of The Cite d!Ivoire is another
leader of the Socialist ment aid policy? the main inveshnent areas example. The main areas of
Youth. Although not all for Norwegian companies, interest are linked to oil, gas
people might agree with West AJrica is an interesting and we hope that these and shipping.
his points of view, he is area. Until recently, investments will create
a popular figure in Noi'wegian attention was work and livelihoods, Q: How does Norway
Norwegian politics. We being given to English- combat corniption and lead assist poor countries in
met him in Stavanger speaking countries inAfrica, to ahigher standard of living building up their
where he was attending particularly in East and for the population. economic activity? Do
the Point of Peace South Africa. West Africa is you have any particular
Summit-a natural important for many reasons: Q: Thus, there are programmes there?
place to go for a man * a massive flow ofrefugees economic interests for
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