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Geneva      is  the   Humanitarian        Capital    of   the   World!

                                    Interview     with   Rashid   Khalikov,       Director      of  OCHA,
                                                               New   York

                                                                 You   are   now   the   Director  department   is  doing   a  lot  to
                                                                 of   OCHA   NY.  Before    that,  co-ordinate    our   activities   w'th
        r                                                        you    were    the    Deputy  the work  of  the   Deparhnent    of
                                                                 Director    here   in  Geneva.  Political     Affairs,     the
                                                                 Is  there   a  big   difference  Peacekeeping    Operations,   to
                                                                 between     NYC    and  support  iSSueS related  to peace
                                                                 Geneva?                 and  security   in  the  Security
                                                                                         Council   from   the  huinanita-
                                                                 First  of  all,   thank  yori   so much  rzan  perspechve.
                                                                 for    yorir    congratulations.
                                                                 Second,   it  is  very   different,  Q:  You   were   in  charge    of
                                                                 becarise   the  job   is  different.   In  the    co-ordination     of   all
                                        Rashid     Khalikov,     a  New  York   my   responsibilities  the   humanitarian    assis-
                                        graduate    of   the   Moscow  cover   branches   that   deal   with  tnce    for   the   earthquake
                                        State     Institute     for  the   development     of   policy,  in  Pakistan    -   the   NGOs,
                                        International    Relations,  infonnation    management    and  the    different     UN
                                        started    his    career    as   a  advocacy,   and  I  also  oversee  agencies.    Do   you   miss
                                        diplomat     with     several  the   units    that   deal   with  being   in  the   field?
                                        postings    to   his   credit.  external     relations     with
                                        However,     it   was    not    in  Member   States,  fiind-raising  Yes,   I miss   it veiy  much.   I just
                                        diplomacy     that    he   was  and  the   Central   Emergency  came  back   from   Pakistan.   I
                                        going     to    conduct     an  Fund,   which   is  a  big   enteipri-  was   asked    by   the   Under-

                                        interesting    career,   but   as  se. In  that  sense,  the  list  of  Secretary-General    to  go  there
                                        a  humanitarian.         responsibilities     is    much  and   look    into   a  couple   of
                                                                 longer   andvery   different   from  issues.  One  of   them   was  to

                                        At   the    time     that    the  what   it  used   to  be  in  Geneva.  see how   things   were  going
                                        United    Nations    created                     now,   years   after   the  earthqria-
                                        the    Department     for  Q:  You   are   in  charge    of  ke,  and  how   successful   was
                                        Humanitarian    Affairs,    Mr.  obtaining    money    which  the  move   from   relief  to  reha-
                                        Khalikov    was    in   a    pos-  is   to   be   spent    here   in  bilitation    and   development.
                                        ting   in  New  York,   and   Jan  Geneva.    Is  this   the   case?  When    flying     by
                                        Eliasson,    the   first   Under-                helicopter    from   Islainabad   to
                                        Secretary-General     for  No,   we   are  cariying   out   fund-  Muzaffarabad,    which   used   to
                                        Humanitarian             raising     in    both    places.  be  the  headquarters   for  co-
                                        Assistance     called     Mr  Member   States  in  New   York  ordination    outside   the  capital,
                                        Khalikov    in  to   work   with  have   their  plates   fiill   with   lots  it  was  very   heartening   to  see
                                        him.   This   proved    to   be   an  of    political     and    socio-  how    the    landscape     has
                                        excellent     choicel    Ever  economic    ISSueS,  enVffOn-  improved.
                                        since     that     day,    Mr  ment,   development,    General
                                        Khalikov's    life   has   been  Assembly,   ECOSOC,    various  In   October   2005,   when   I  flew
                                        filled    with    emergencies,  commissions,    etc.  Therefore,  there   for   the  fu'st  time,   yori
                                        humanitarian      cata-  theyreally    do nothave   tin'ie  to  worild   fly   only   over   nibble.
                                        strophes    and   natural    dis-  focus   on  OCHA's   fieldwork  Everything    was   completely
                                        asters.    When    he   talks  or policy   dialogue   in  the  same  destroyed    and  the   situation
                                        about   his   work,   you   feel  way   that   they   do  in  Geneva.  was  very   bad.  Then,   towards
                                        that   he   is   the   right   man   in          the  end   of  October/beginning
                                        the   right    place    at   the  So   I  think   that  donors   are  of   November    yori   could   see
                                        right    time.    Mr   Khalikov  more   engaged  in  Geneva,   and  more   and  more   tents.  By   the
                                        has   a  heart   of   gold   and  it  really   shows   that   Geneva   is  end  of   November    the  whole
                                         has   the   capacity    to   give  the  Humanitarian    Capital   of  area   was   covered   by   very
                                        everything    in   order    to  the  World.      brightly    coloured   tents,   wich
                                         help    others.     A    real                   could   be    seen   from   the
                                         humanitarian,    you   might  Q:  Do   you   feel   that   you  helicopters.
                                        sayl                     are    more     involved     in
                                                                 political    work?      Just  before    I  left,   a lot   of

                                        Q:  First   of  all,   congratula-               materials   started   to  atrive   -

                                        tions   upon   your   new   job.    NOt   personauyi Bllt   tne  plastic   sheets,   special   metal
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